Access Advisory Committee

to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (AACT)

Revised March 2002



Section I. Name

This organization shall be known as the Access Advisory Committee to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (AACT). The AACT shall consist of such individuals, affiliated organizations, chapters, and other supporting groups as shall subscribe to the principles of the AACT and the provisions adopted herein.

Section II. Purpose

The purpose of the Access Advisory Committee to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (AACT) is to present advice and comment to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) on all transportation related matters that may affect persons with disabilities. The relationship between the AACT and the MBTA shall be further defined through the use of a mutually endorsed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The AACT is committed to maintaining, improving, and expanding accessible transportation services for persons with disabilities. In order to achieve this purpose, we offer all persons, regardless of disability, the opportunity for their opinion to be respectfully considered.

For this purpose we adopt the following articles as the bylaws of the AACT.


Section I. Membership


Section 1. Chapters

A. Chapter Definition and Requirements

A chapter is a group consisting of at least six (6) members from a defined geographic area served by the MBTA, who carry out specified activities as follows:

1. Building local presence

2. Generate local action

3. Hold regular local meetings

B. Chapter Procedures and Authority


Section 1. Composition

1. Elected Officers:

The AACT membership shall elect three (3) officers. These elected positions are Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary/Clerk and each shall be held for a two-year term. The Chair may not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.

2. At Large Members:

The AACT membership shall elect four at-large board members who shall serve two-year terms.

3. Chapter Members:

Section 2. Powers and Responsibilities

Section 3. Function

Section 4. Attendance

All Board Members shall make every effort to attend all Board of Directors meetings. If a member is unable to attend a meeting, s/he shall notify the AACT Secretary on or before the date of the meeting in question. Failure to report as described will result in an unexcused absence.

Section 5. Removal from Office

Section 6. Replacement of Officers


Section 1. Duties

The chairperson of the AACT shall be the principal officer with the authority to:

The vice-chairperson shall assist the chairperson in carrying out his or her duties and shall conduct Board and committee meetings in the absence of the chairperson.

The secretary shall be responsible for overseeing the recording of minutes of regularly scheduled meetings, AACT correspondence as assigned by Chair, and appropriate filing and storage of all AACT correspondence and documents. The secretary shall be assisted with all duties and responsibilities of this office by a C.T.P.S. staff person appointed by the Sub-Signatory Committee to the Metropolitan Planning Organization with the approval of the AACT Board.


Section 1. Elections

Section 2. Interim Elections

Interim elections may be called at any time upon a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority vote of those present and eligible to vote and must be passed at two consecutive meetings. At the time that the interim election is approved (after the second vote) nominations will open and will remain open up until the time set for the interim election. Any officer or board member elected in the interim election will serve until the next regularly scheduled election.

Section 3. Voting

All members of the AACT who have attended at least two meetings of the full AACT within a four- (4) month period preceding the date of the vote shall be eligible to vote at meetings of the AACT and in elections.

Staff members of the MBTA, contractors and subcontractors to the MBTA and their employees and people holding policy-making positions in the Executive Office of Transportation and Construction (EOTC) or in the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) shall be exempted from voting and holding office in the AACT, except those members of AACT providing consumer input to the aforementioned organizations, subject to the review of the AACT Board of Directors.

Section 4. Quorum

Section 5. Nominations

Section 6. Absentee Ballots



All proceedings shall be governed in accordance with these bylaws. Procedures not stated in these bylaws shall be in accordance with the most recently published version of the Robert’s Rules of Order.