November 7, 2012

Mr. Steven Olanoff

Chair, Regional Transportation Advisory Council

10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150

Boston, Massachusetts 02116

Dear Mr. Olanoff:

The purpose of this letter is to transmit to you the recommendations of the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (Boston Region MPO) regarding proposed procedures for future Regional Transportation Advisory Council (“Advisory Council”) elections and guidelines for Advisory Council membership.

Because the Advisory Council is now a voting member of the Boston Region MPO, the actions of the Advisory Council reflect on the MPO. We believe that this confers additional responsibilities on the Advisory Council. We would like the Advisory Council to operate under processes that reflect high standards for fairness and civility. As you know, concerns were recently raised at a Boston Region MPO meeting regarding events that occurred at the Advisory Council’s annual election. In response, the MPO convened a special committee that discussed this issue and submitted a report to the MPO. At its October 18, 2012, meeting, the Boston Region MPO approved the committee’s recommendations, which are designed to ensure that future Advisory Council elections are conducted using a process more consistent with the MPO’s process.

The Boston Region MPO asks that the Advisory Council revise its election procedures by adopting the following committee recommendations into its bylaws:

At its October 18, 2012, meeting, the Boston Region MPO also discussed the issue of who can be a voting member of the Advisory Council. The MPO discussed this matter at length. It is our belief that, for the Advisory Council to remain an independent voice that provides fresh views for the MPO’s discussions and decisions, voting members of the MPO should not also have a vote on the Council. The Boston Region MPO is concerned that:

Therefore, the Boston Region MPO supports the Advisory Council’s current bylaw that says, “All members of the MPO shall be non-voting members of the Advisory Council.” In addition, after extensive discussion at its October 18, 2012, meeting, the MPO took a series of votes establishing the following actions:

In summary, the Boston Region MPO’s position is that no entity on the MPO and no person representing an entity on the MPO (except the Advisory Council Chair) should be a voting member of the Advisory Council. The MPO strongly recommends that the Advisory Council also adopt this position (as detailed in the above list of recommendations that the MPO voted for) and incorporate it into its bylaws.

The Boston Region MPO takes these matters and recommendations very seriously and advises the Advisory Council to do so as well. We look forward to hearing a report from you on how the Advisory Council will incorporate the MPO’s recommendations into its bylaws, procedures, and practices.  


Original letter signed by David Mohler

David J. Mohler, Chair
Boston Region MPO


cc:    Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization