Wednesday, May 23, 2012


1:00 – 3:00 PM




Administrative Function


1.      Introductions, Reading of the Agenda  &

        Approval of the March 28 & April 18, 2012   1:00 -1:10 pm


2.             Chairman’s Report                                            1:10-1:20 pm


3.    A Tribute to the late Mr. Ben Haynes                 1:20-1:35 pm         Long-time member/

                Member and Friends are asked to



4.    Carla Howze, MBTA Director of Customer            1:35-2:10 pm

                                Support Services


5. Break                                                                2:10-2:20 pm   


6.    System-Wide Accessibility by                         2:20-2:40 pm

        Fixed Route Update        by Larry Haile


7.     OTA Paratransit Update by Frank Oglesby          2:40-2:50 pm


8.     THE RIDE Vendors - JV, VT, and GLSS        2:50-2:58 pm


9.   Announcements                                                                2:58 pm


  Adjourn                                                                      3:00 pm


AACT Meeting

May 23, 2011

Page 2


In order for all meetings to run smoothly, please cooperate

by adhering to the following standing rules:


·       Please be on time for all meetings.


·       No outbursts, interruptions, or cross talking from

anyone when someone is speaking.


·       If you have any questions, please wait to be recognized

by the coordinator or a member of the board, and

identify yourself before speaking.  Please, one question

or comment at a time. Each attendee will be given no

more than two opportunities to address each issue.


·       Place all cellular phones and or paging systems on

silent mode or off BEFORE the meeting.


·       No eating allowed during the regular AACT meeting.


·       Please remove all bags and/or packages belonging to

you when you leave.


·       All meetings will be recorded.


·       Please help make this a fragrance-free meeting.


Assistive Listening Devices are available upon request.


For assistance or reasonable accommodations contact Ms.

Janie Guion at least one week prior to the meeting at

617 973-7507 or TTY 617 973-7089.


Materials are available in accessible format.


The next AACT Meeting will be June 27, 2012