Wednesday, July 25, 2012

10 A.M. to 12 Noon



1.      Opening/Introductions/Agenda


2.      Chairman’s Update


3.      Highlights of Meeting with Mike Lambert (from       General Manager’s   Office)


4.      Building Membership


5.          THE RIDE In-Person Eligibility Assessment   Service,  Innovative Paradigms of   Sacramento,    CA (September AACT Meeting)


6.          Travel Training Counseling– Shrewsbury, MA –     August 2


7.     Strategize for Possible 2013 Fare Increase/Survey


8.     Presentation Topics for 2013


9.     Transportation Forum on Transportation Needs of          Persons with Disabilities (Staff Proposed)


10.      ADA Celebration, Boston City Hall


11.      Treasurer’s Report


Meeting Adjourned!

Executive Board Meeting

July 25, 2012

Page 2



Please observe the following guidelines; thank you for your cooperation:


·       Please be on time for all meetings.


·       No outbursts, interruptions, or cross talking when someone is speaking.


·       If you have any questions, please wait to be recognized by the Chair, or a member of the board. Wait for the microphone and identify yourself before you speak.  Please, one question or comment at a time. Each attendee will be given no more than two opportunities to address each issue.


·       Please wait for your answer; do not continue to speak.


·       Place all cellular phones and or paging systems on “off” or “silent mode” BEFORE the meeting.


·       No eating allowed during the regular AACT meeting.


·       Remember to take all your belongings with you (bottles, cups, tissues, and bags).


·       All meetings will be recorded.


·       Please help make this a fragrance-free meeting.


Assistive Listening Devices are available upon request.


For assistance or reasonable accommodations contact Ms.

Janie Guion at least one week prior to the meeting at (617) 973-7507 or TTY (617) 973-7089.


The next AACT Meeting will be August 22, 2012