Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization 1
Meeting Minutes of June,7th 2012

Draft Memorandum for the Record

Boston Region MPO Congestion Management Committee


June 7, 2012 Meeting

12:30 PM –1:55 PM, Carey Hall, 1605 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
Lourenco Dantas, Chair, representing Massport


The Boston Region MPO Congestion Management Committee agreed to the following:
Meeting minutes from the May 3rd meeting were approved.

Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions

Efi Pagitsas gave an introduction to the presentation by Scott Peterson, CTPS. She noted that previous committee meeting that a presentation and follow up discussion of impacts of the MBTA fare increase and service cuts that were approved in April 2012 would be beneficial, specifically in understanding potential impacts to congestion. She also welcomed and introduced Charles Planck, MBTA.

2. Chair’s Report—Lourenco Dantas, Massport

There was none.

3. Staff Presentation: MBTA Fare Increase and Impacts on Congestion

Highlights from Scotts Presentation

Described the tools used in the three scenarios of the potential MBTA fare increase and service cuts (see Handout# 1).

Focused on the regional travel demand model for this analysis.

FTA requires an EJ and Air Quality analysis.

MAPC did the health impact assessment.

The following metrics were used on the highway and transit networks on a regional level (not roadway level).

Level of congestion, V/C ratio, Change in average speed, Volumes on roadway, VHT.

Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization 2
Meeting Minutes of June,7th 2012

Under scenario 3, the chosen scenario by the MBTA, less than 1% of the 2,727

TAZs experienced a change in speed of 1 mph (See Handout #2).

Under the same scenario, 24% of the 2,727 TAZs showed an increase of 1% or more in the V/C.

On the transit side, they looked at ridership and revenue, not crowding and load factor.

4. Presentation Discussion

Ed Tarallo, Woburn, voiced concern of how MBTA may go back to just serving the inner-core if these service cuts keep on happening.
Scott mentioned that cuts in commuter rail would result in a mode-change and would increase congestion on the expressways. On the other hand, inner-core is more transit- dependent; these travelers do not own cars; therefore, many of these trips would just go away instead of shifting to another mode.
James Errickson, Everett, asked if all the eliminated transit trips go to the auto mode or is there some distribution to the walk/bike mode. Scott said that about 80% go to auto, and the rest is walk/bike.
Charles Planck, MBTA, gave a brief overview of the fare and service plan and how the MBTA is facing a $161 million deficit. He explained the three scenarios and said that scenario 3 will go into effect on July 1, 2012. He answered questions from the committee members regarding this issue. He mentioned that this is a budget-exercise, not a service evaluation/impacts exercise.
In regards to peak period pricing/congestion pricing, James Errickson asked if there is a weighted average for different times of the day. Charles explained that the Charlie system doesn’t allow for this. This is too complex for the current fare structure. However, they are looking into a mobile-ticketing pilot program that would allow for this. It would be time-based, needs-based, and peak-of-the-peak based.
Richard Canale, Lexington, asked about including T passes into the college tuition. Charles said that there is a list of 90 ideas on how to get additional revenue, on the MBTA website, and this is one of the ones they are looking into.
Lourenço wrapped up the meeting by summarizing that we will not see much impact on travel patterns from Scenario 3, but wondered what will the impacts be after the next round of fare increases and service cuts? He expressed that he hopes this presentation and discussion helps MPO members make more informed decisions.
Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization 3
Meeting Minutes of June,7th 2012

5. Other Business

There was none.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:55 PM.



Representatives and Alternates

At-Large Town (Town of Lexington)

Richard Canale


Lourenco Dantas

At-Large City (Everett)

James Errickson


Steve Olanoff

MassDOT Highway

John Romano

NSPC (Woburn)

Ed Tarallo

Other Attendees


Charles Planck


MPO Staff/Central Transportation Planning Staff

Hiral Gandhi Efi Pagitsas Scott Peterson Robert Guptill

Elizabeth Moore