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Unified Planning Work Program

Federal Fiscal Year 2014

(Oct. 1, 2013 – Sept. 30, 2014)

Michelle Scott

Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

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Purpose of the UPWP

Photograph shows people gathered for a Metropolitan Planning Organization meeting presentation.

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Categories of Projects

  1. Ongoing MPO-funded programs
  2. Discrete studies

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Project Selection Process

Ideas may come from:

Project evaluation considers:


Map shows the geographic boundaries of the region served by the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization. It depicts the boundaries of the municipalities within the region, and the individual municipalities are labeled with their names.

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UPWP Funding


Image is a photograph shows dollar bills of varying denominations.

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Schedule (2012–2013)

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Implementing the UPWP


Photograph shows individuals discussing items at a meeting.

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UPWP Online

MPO website:

This image is intended to show where interested parties can find information pertaining to the Unified Planning Work Program. This image is a screenshot of the Certification Documents page of the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization website, which is The left side of the image includes a vertical bar displaying blue hyperlinks. The Certification Documents hyperlink is contained in a red box and there is a red arrow pointing to it. The center of the image displays text available on the Certification Documents web page. The text pertaining to the Unified Planning Work Program, which is in the bottom half of the image and includes a blue Unified Planning Work Program hyperlink, is contained in a red box and there is a red arrow pointing to it. The Unified Planning Work Program hyperlink connects to the Unified Planning Work Program web page on the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization website. The right side of the image includes a vertical bar displaying brown hyperlinks. The Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Unified Planning Work Program hyperlink, which connects directly to a downloadable document, is contained in a red box and there is a red arrow pointing to it.

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UPWP Online

MPO website:

This image is intended to show where interested parties can find information pertaining to the some outputs of the Unified Planning Work Program. These include studies that are underway and reports for studies that have been completed. This image is a screenshot of the Metropolitan Planning Organization slash Central Transportation Planning Staff Reports Overview page of the Boston Metropolitan Planning Organization website, which is The left side of the image includes a vertical bar displaying blue hyperlinks. The Studies Underway hyperlink is contained in a red box and there is a red arrow pointing to it. It connects to a web page that describes studies that are in progress. The Metropolitan Planning Organization slash Central Transportation Planning Staff Reports hyperlink is contained in a red box and there is a red arrow pointing to it.

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Michelle Scott

UPWP Manager, CTPS


Thank you!