TIP Evaluation Scoring


System Preservation, Modernization and Efficiency (36 total points possible)

Improves substandard pavement (up to 6 points)

+6   IRI rating greater than 320: Poor and pavement improvements are included in

       the project

+4   IRI rating between 320 and 191: Fair and pavement improvements are included             

       in the project

  0   IRI rating less than 190: Good or better

Improves substandard signal equipment condition (up to 6 points)

      +6   Poor condition and all equipment will be replaced

      +4   Mediocre condition, replacement of majority of equipment will occur

      +2   Fair condition, partial replacement will occur

0     All other values


Improves traffic signal operations (signal equipment upgrades, including for adaptive signal controls and coordination with adjacent signals (ITS) (up to 6 points)

+6   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+4   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+2   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

  0   Does not meet or address criteria


In a Congestion Management Process Identified Area (up to 6 points):

+6   CMP data indicates project area is in one of the most highly congested project areas monitored

+4   CMP data indicates project area is in one of the most congested project areas monitored

+2   CMP data indicates project area is in a congested project areas monitored

0     CMP data indicates project area is in the top 80 to 51 % of the most congested project areas monitored


Improves intermodal accommodations/connections to transit (up to 6 points)

+6   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+4   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+2   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


Implements ITS strategies other than traffic signal operations (improve traffic flow as identified by an identified ITS strategy for the municipality or state (e.g. variable message signs) (up to 6 points)

      +6   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+4   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+2   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

  0   Does not meet or address criteria


Livability and Economic Benefit (30 total points possible)


 Design is consistent with complete streets policies (up to 4 points)

+1   Project is a “complete street”

+1   Project provides for transit service

+1   Project provides for bicycle facilities

+1   Project provides for pedestrian facilities

  0   Does not provide any complete streets components


Provides multimodal access to an activity center (up to 3 points)

+1   Project provides transit access (within a quarter mile) to an activity center

+1   Project provides bicycle access to an activity center

+1   Project provides pedestrian access to an activity center

  0   Does not provide multimodal access


Reduces auto dependency (up to 9 points)

+3   Project provides for a new transit service

+1   Project completes a known gap in the bicycle or pedestrian network

+1   Project provides for a new bicycle facility

+1   Project provides for a new pedestrian facility

+1   Project implements a transportation demand management strategy

+2    Project is identified in MassDOT’s Bay State Greenway Priority 100

 0    Does not provide for any of the above measures


Project serves a targeted development site (40R, 43D, 43E, Regionally Significant Priority Development Area, Growth District Initiative, or eligible MBTA transit station areas) (up to 6 points)

+2   Project provides new transit access to or within site

+1   Project improves transit access to or within site

+1   Project provides for bicycle access to or within site

+1   Project provides for pedestrian access to or within site

+1   Project provides for improved road access to or within site


Provides for development consistent with the compact growth strategies of MetroFuture (up to 5 points)

+2   Project mostly serves an existing area of concentrated development

+1   Project partly serves an existing area of concentrated development

+1    Project supports local zoning or other regulations that are supportive of smart    

        growth development

+2    Project complements other local financial or regulatory support that fosters

  economic revitalization in a manner consistent with smart growth development 


  0   Does not provide for any of the above measures


Project improves Quality of Life (up to 3 points)

+1   Reduces cut through within the project area

+1   Implements traffic calming measures

+1   Improves the character of the project area

Mobility (25 total points possible)


Existing peak hour level of service (LOS) (up to 3 points)

+3   Source data indicates project area has an LOS value of F at peak travel times

+2   Source data indicates project area has an LOS value of E at peak travel times

+1   Source data indicates project area has an LOS value of D at peak travel times

0   All other values


Improves or completes an MPO or State identified freight movement issue (Identified in MPO or State published freight plan) (up to 3 points)

+3   Project implements a solution to an MPO or State identified freight movement


+2   Project supports significant improvements or removes barriers to an existing

       MPO or State identified freight movement issue

+1   Project supports improvements to an existing MPO or State identified freight

       movement issue

0   All other results


Address proponent identified primary mobility need (Project design will address the primary mobility need identified by the proponent in the question P7 and evaluated by staff) (up to 3 points)

+3   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

1     Does not meet or address criteria


Address MPO identified primary mobility need (Project design will address the primary mobility need identified by MPO staff) (up to 3 points)

+3   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


Project reduces congestion (up to 6 points)

+6   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+4   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+2   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


Improves transit reliability (up to 7 points)

+2    Implements queue jumping ability for transit

+2   Project prioritizes signals for transit vehicles (ITS)

+2   Project provides for a dedicated busway

+1   Project provides for a bus bump out




environment and climate change (25 total points possible)


Air Quality (improves or degrades) (up to 5 points)

+5   Project significant improves air quality

+3   Project includes major elements improving air quality

+1   Project includes minor elements improving air quality

  0   Project has no significant air quality impacts


CO2 reduction (up to 5 points)

+5   Project will provide for significant movement towards the goals of the Global Warming Solutions act

+3   Project will provide for movement towards the goals of the Global Warming Solutions act

+1   Project will provide a minor air quality benefit

  0   Project will no additional benefit to air quality


Project is in an Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) certified “Green Community” (up to 4 points)

+4   Project is in a “Green Community”

0     Project is not in a “Green Community”


Project reduces VMT/VHT (up to 7 points)

+3   Project provides for a new transit service

+1   Project provides for improved transit access

+1   Project provides for a new bicycle facility

+1   Project provides for a new pedestrian facility

+1   Project implements a transportation demand management strategy

0     Does not provide for any of the above measures


Addresses identified environmental impacts (Project design will address the environmental impacts identified by the proponent in the question P9 and/or identified by MPO staff) (up to 4 points)

+4   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


environmental Justice (10 total points possible)


Improves transit for an EJ population (up to 3 points)

+3   Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental justice area or population zone and will provide new transit access

+1   Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental justice area or population zone and will provide improved access

  0   Project provides no improvement in transit access or is not in an MPO environmental justice area or population zone


Design is consistent with complete streets policies in an EJ area (up to 4 points)


Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental

  justice area or population zone and is a “complete street”

+1   Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental

  justice area or population zone and provides for transit service

+1   Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental

  justice area or population zone and provides for bicycle facilities

+1   Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental

  justice area or population zone and provides for pedestrian facilities

  1. Does not provide any complete streets components


Addresses an MPO identified EJ transportation issue (up to 3 points)

+3    Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental

justice area or population zone and the project will provide for substantial improvement to an MPO identified EJ transportation issue

+2    Project is located within a half-mile buffer of or affects an MPO environmental

justice area or population zone and the project will provide for improvement to an MPO identified EJ transportation issue

0      Project provides no additional benefit and/or is not in an MPO environmental

 justice area or population zone

10  Creates a burden in an EJ area


Safety and Security (29 total points possible)


Improves emergency response (up to 2 points)

+1    Project improves an evacuation route, diversion route, or alternate diversion


+1    Project improves an access route to or in proximity to an emergency support   



Design effect ability to respond to extreme conditions (up to 6 points)

+2   Project addresses flooding problem and/or sea level rise and enables facility to

       function in such a condition

+1    Project addresses facility that serves as a route out of a hurricane zone

+1    Project brings facility up to current seismic design standards

+1    Project improves access to an emergency support location

+1    Project addresses critical transportation infrastructure


EPDO/Injury Value Using the Commonwealth’s listing for Estimated Property Damage Only (EPCO) or Injury Value information (up to 3 points)

+3   If the value is in the top 20% of most assessed value

+2   If the value is in the top 49 to 21% of most assessed value

+1   If the value is in the top 50 to 1% of the most assessed value

  0   If there is no loss




Design addresses proponent identified primary safety need (Project design will address the primary safety need identified by the proponent in the question P4) (up to 3 points)

+3   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

1     Does not meet or address criteria


Design addresses MPO identified primary safety need (Project design will address the primary MPO identified safety need) (up to 3 points)

+3   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


Improves freight related safety issue (Project design will be effective at improving freight related safety issues including truck crashes) (up to 3 points)

+3   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


Improves bicycle safety (Project design will be effective at improving bicycle related safety issues including crashes) (up to 3 points)

+3   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


Improves pedestrian safety (Project design will be effective at improving pedestrian related safety issues including crashes) (up to 3 points)

+3   Meets or addresses criteria to a high degree

+2   Meets or addresses criteria to a medium degree

+1   Meets or address criteria to a low degree

0     Does not meet or address criteria


Improves safety or removes an at grade railroad crossing (up to 3 points)

+3   Project removes an at grade railroad crossing

+2   Project significantly improves safety at an at grade railroad crossing

+1   Project improves safety at an at grade railroad crossing

0     Project does not include a railroad crossing