Draft FFY 2014 UPWP MAPC Project Concepts
(This document is a draft in development.)

Project Name Project Description Project TypeFocus Area: Link Land Use and Transportation Focus Area: Work with Limited Financial ResourcesFocus Area: Use a Management and Operations ApproachFocus Area: Protect Air Quality and EnvironmentFocus Area: Preserve and Maintain the Transportation SystemFocus Area: Increase Transit and Healthy-Transportation Mode ShareFocus Area: Encourage Sustainable Communities and LivabilityFocus Area: Advance Mobility, Access, and Congestion ReductionFocus Area: Improve System ReliabilityFocus Area: Increase Transportation Safety and SecurityFocus Area: Support Economic VitalityFocus Area: Consider Transportation Equity and AccessibilityFocus Area: Support MetroFuture Goals Focus Area: Support Goals of PMT, youMove/weMove, GreenDOT, and MA Mode Shift Focus Area: Enhance Technical Capacity, Knowledge, and InsightsFocus Area: Support Performance-Based PlanningComments/Cost EstimateSort Key
Identifying Mode Shift Opportunity AreasThis proposed project would use available data to understand what geographies within the region have the most potential for mode shifting single-occupant-vehicle trips to transit, walk, bike, or carpool modes.MAPC Project Concepts Major ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot Applicable Minor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot Applicable Major ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable Minor ConsiderationNot ApplicableMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableA proposal has been made to combine this project with FFY 2014 UPWP CTPS project proposals "Travel Options for Zero-Auto Households" and "Analysis of Subregional and Other Factors on MBTA Ridership." This project would be a joint effort between CTPS and MAPC. MAPC's portion would be funded at $10,000.M1
Continuation of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Opportunities and Impediments Planning This proposed project would continue community planning around MBTA station areas to understand the potential for TOD and what might be impeding growth in certain areas (outdated zoning, lack of bike/ped connectivity, community concerns against development) and offer solutions.MAPC Project Concepts Major ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable Minor Consideration Major ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableThis project is related to work included under MAPC's "Corridor/Subarea Planning Studies and Land Use Reviews" project in the FFY 2013 UPWP. Costs are estimated at $75,000.M2
Land Use Baselines for BRT DevelopmentMassDOT is working with the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) to identify major bus corridors in Greater Boston that have the potential to be upgraded to high-quality bus rapid transit (dedicated lanes, pre-pay, consolidated stops, etc). After MassDOT/MBTA and ITDP identify the top corridors, MAPC would perform a land use baseline analysis to document the existing housing units, households, population, jobs, square footage of development, types of jobs, etc. This data could then be used in the future to determine if the BRT upgrade supported additional growth in the corridor. The Silver Line to Chelsea would probably be the best example. MAPC Project ConceptsMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot Applicable Major ConsiderationMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable Major Consideration Minor ConsiderationMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableThis would be an entirely new work program that builds off of and supports work that will be conducted by MassDOT, the MBTA, and CTPS to identify where there is potential to upgrade existing bus corridors to be more like bus rapid transit. This work would be included under MAPC's "Corridor/Subarea Planning Studies and Land Use Reviews." Costs are estimated at $15,000.M3
Projected Development and Trip Generation within Routes 99, 28, 16 in Everett, Boston, Somerville, and CambridgeThis proposed project would quantify the amount of development projected to occur on the edge of Somerville, Cambridge, Everett, and Boston (Inner Belt, North Point, Assembly Row, Sullivan Square, South Broadway in Everett) to understand this projected development growth from a regional perspective, and would try to estimate the trips that will be generated and modes used (with hopefully a lot captured by the Green Line Extension (GLX), the Orange Line, MBTA bus, walking, and biking). MAPC Project ConceptsNot Applicable Major ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMinor ConsiderationNot Applicable Major ConsiderationNot ApplicableThis would be an entirely new work program seeking to foster regional coordination and understanding of the timing and impact of new development. This work would be included under MAPC's "Corridor/Subarea Planning Studies and Land Use Reviews." Costs are estimated at $15,000.M4
Continuation of Subregional Priority Development and Priority Preservation StudiesThis proposed project would continue to conduct Priority Preservation Area and Priority Development Area planning in the region. MAPC Project ConceptsMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMajor Consideration Major Consideration Major ConsiderationNot ApplicableThis is an ongoing work project included under MAPC's "Corridor/Subarea Planning Studies and Land Use Reviews" project in the FFY 2013 UPWP. Costs are estimated at $25,000.M5
Continuation of Sullivan Square Land Use VisioningThrough this proposed project, MAPC would continue to support the City of Boston's land use visioning process around Sullivan Square Station on the Orange Line. MAPC Project ConceptsMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMajor Consideration Major Consideration Minor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMajor ConsiderationMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableThis is a follow-up project included under MAPC's "Corridor/Subarea Planning Studies and Land Use Reviews" project in the FFY 2013 UPWP. Costs are estimated at $25,000.M6
TDM Best Practices and Municipal BylawsThis proposed project would involve researching municipal bylaws in Massachusetts that pertain to transportation demand management (TDM) requirements associated with new development projects obtaining building permits. It would develop a model bylaw for municipalities based on this research and best practices, and work with select suburban communities to adopt a TDM model bylaw.MAPC Project ConceptsMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable Major Consideration Minor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMinor ConsiderationMajor ConsiderationMinor ConsiderationMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableThis would be a new project under MAPC's "Alternative Mode Planning and Coordination" project. Costs are estimated at $10,000.M7
Rose Kennedy Greenway Bicycle Improvement Study This proposed project would involve MAPC's working closely with the City of Boston, MassDOT, and the Greenway Conservancy to conduct a public engagement effort to identify potential bicycle improvements along and within the Greenway. Based on public input, MAPC would provide technical analysis to identify specific bicycle infrastructure improvements and facilities. The final product of this work would be a report to the City of Boston and the Conservancy on recommendations to improve bicycle accommodation. The City and the Conservancy would then decide the timeline for which improvements to design and implement. MAPC Project ConceptsMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableMajor ConsiderationMajor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot ApplicableNot Applicable Minor ConsiderationMinor ConsiderationNot ApplicableNot ApplicableThis would be a new project under MAPC's "Alternative Mode Planning and Coordination" project. Costs are estimated at $25,000.M8