Draft Memorandum for the Record

Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

Unified Planning Work Program Committee Meeting

May 16, 2013 Meeting

9:05 AM through 9:40 AM State Transportation Building, Conference Rooms 2&3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston

Sheri Warrington, Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT), served as chair in place of Callida Cenizal (MassDOT).  

Meeting Agenda


S. Warrington called the meeting to order at approximately 9:05 AM. Members and guests attending the meeting introduced themselves. (For attendance list, see page 4.)  

Proposals for Spending the Additional FHWA PL Funding in the FFY 2014 UPWP

This meeting was called to discuss Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS) and Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) proposals for spending an additional amount of FHWA metropolitan planning, or PL, funds, that were beyond the funds that have been programmed to date in the draft federal fiscal year 2014 UPWP.  S. Warrington explained that this additional funding is due to a revised apportionment from FHWA, which resulted in an increase in obligation funding, leading to an increase in planning funds across the board. She explained that this is a result of changes under MAP-21. Other changes are due to 2010 Census data, which resulted in changes to population and urbanized area boundaries. These had an impact on the distribution of funds, which is based on the Massachusetts Association of Regional Planning Agencies formula. 

a. CTPS Proposal Regarding its Projects and Programs

Karl Quackenbush (Boston Region MPO) detailed the CTPS proposal for allocating the additional PL funding, which is outlined in several documents. These include a budget memorandum, a revised set of CTPS budget tables, and a set of new project descriptions. CTPS is receiving an additional $266,500 in PL funds. K. Quackenbush explained that the proposal aims to distribute this funding in a balanced way and to target line items where it is needed most. Key elements of the CTPS proposal include:

Michelle Scott (Boston Region MPO) mentioned that the goal of this meeting is to pull together the UPWP Committee’s recommendation for the expenditure of this PL funding, and that she would reiterate the Committee’s recommendation to the full MPO later that morning. Information that has been approved by the MPO will be incorporated into the draft UPWP for circulation. This draft will be circulated during a rescheduled public comment period that has been proposed for May 20, 2013 through June 18, 2013. The timeframe for the rescheduled public comment period will also be discussed at the MPO meeting.

b. MAPC Proposal Regarding its Projects and Programs

Eric Bourassa (MAPC) explained that MAPC’s proposal is documented in a one-page memo and a revised budget table. MAPC is receiving an additional $62,500 in PL funds and an additional $1,491 in 5303 transit funds, and is allocating this funding to support bicycle and pedestrian work, transit oriented development work around MBTA station areas, the Community Transportation Technical Assistance Program, and community engagement activities conducted as part of MetroFuture. In response to a question about how those funds get spent, Eric explained that funds are assigned to specific ID numbers for staff to charge against. 

Decision on UPWP Committee Recommendation regarding CTPS and MAPC Use of Additional FHWA PL Funding


Tom Bent (City of Somerville) made a motion to recommend the changes discussed above to the MPO. The motion was seconded by Tom O’Rourke (Town of Norwood).

When asked how the new project (Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategy Cost-Effectiveness Analysis) ranked in terms of the UPWP Committee member survey, K. Quackenbush explained that it did not fall within the top priority or bottom priority groups. When asked whether all of the UPWP Committee members’ priorities were funded, K. Quackenbush said that many top-priority projects were funded. M. Scott noted that one project focused on safety and school zones, which was relatively expensive, was not funded. K. Quackenbush noted that the particular study was considered, but that the study idea might need to be re-crafted. Robin Mannion (Boston Region MPO) noted that federal guidance also stressed sustainability, and the greenhouse gas project helps to meet this goal. K. Quackenbush noted that addressing guidance is important both for annual UPWP development and for addressing MPO certification review requirements.  

Next Steps

M. Scott noted that the next UPWP Committee meeting would be held on June 20, 2013. The start time of this meeting is dependent on whether or not the June 20 MPO meeting would be held as scheduled. This meeting will be focused on reviewing public comments and developing a UPWP Committee recommendation for endorsement of the final draft of the FFY 2014 UPWP.

Additional Comments


E. Bourassa invited members to participate in a public engagement event in collaboration with the City of Boston occurring that evening, which relates to a land use visioning for Sullivan Square.   



The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:40 AM.


UPWP Committee Members


and Alternates

At-Large Town (Town of Arlington)

Laura Wiener

Inner Core Committee (City of Somerville)

Tom Bent

Massachusetts Department of Transportation

  Sheri Warrington for Callida Cenizal

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Eric Bourassa

SouthWest Advisory Planning Committee (Town of Medway)

Dennis Crowley

Three Rivers Interlocal Council (Town of Norwood)

Tom O’Rourke


Other MPO Members




and Alternates

Regional Transportation Advisory Council



Steve Olanoff


MPO Staff/Central Transportation Planning Staff

Karl Quackenbush,  Executive Director

Robin Mannion

Elizabeth Moore

Michelle Scott

Pam Wolfe