Access Advisory Committee to the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority

10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150, Boston, MA. 02116-3968 Voice: 617-973-7100, Fax: 617-973-8855, TDD: 617-973-7089, E-mail:


Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Board of Directors: B

Chairman - James F. WhiteB

Vice Chairman - Rick E. Morin

Executive Board

Mary Ann Murray

Ian Perrault

Beverly Ann Rock

Lisa Weber


The AACT Executive Board will meet from 10 AM to noon and the Membership meeting will be conducted from 1:00 PM to 3 PM on the fourth Wednesday of the month, except when noted.

AACT has a page on the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization’s (MPO) website at; click on “Get Involved” then scroll down to “Access Advisory Committee to the MBTA.” Links can be found there for the following items: agendas, upcoming meetings, past meeting minutes, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the MBTA and AACT, and the AACT bylaws, and ADA regulations. There are also links to the MPO’s newsletter, TRANSREPORT, and information on accessibility at the MBTA. This page includes the contact information for the AACT Coordinator.

Comments and questions concerning AACT should be directed to Chairman James White by contacting the AACT Coordinator, Ms. Janie Guion, at 617-973-7507 (voice); 617-973-7089 (TTY); 617-973-8855 (fax); (email); or at c/o CTPS, 10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150, Boston, MA 02116 (mail).

The AACT meeting location is accessible to people with disabilities and is near public transportation. Upon request (preferably two weeks in advance of the meeting), every effort will be made to provide accommodations such as assistive listening devices, materials in accessible formats and in languages other than English, and interpreters in American Sign Language and other languages. Please contact the MPO staff at 617.973.7100 (voice), 617.973.7089 (TTY), 617.973.8855 (fax), or

The MPO complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other federal and state non-discrimination statutes and regulations in all programs and activities. The MPO does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, English proficiency, income, religious creed, ancestry, disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or military service. Any person who believes herself/ himself or any specific class of persons has been subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI, ADA, or other non-discrimination statute or regulation may, herself/himself or via a representative, file a written complaint with the MPO. A complaint must be filed no later than 180 calendar days after the date on which the person believes the discrimination occurred. A complaint form and additional information can be obtained by contacting the MPO (see above) or at

Members needing service information or wanting to inquire about MBTA services should do so through the MBTA Marketing and Communications Department at 617-222-3200 or 800-392-6100, TTY 617-222-5146, Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 8:00 PM and Sat/Sun from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM, or the MBTA website at

Please sign in at all meetings.

Announcements are always welcome. Please be prepared to give as many details as possible: date, time, location, contact person, and phone number. A written notice is always appreciated.

Meeting opened at 10:01 AM

Reading of the Agenda


AACT Attendees

Board Members:

Lisa Weber, James F. White, Rick E. Morin, Ian Perrault, Mary Ann Murray, and Beverly Ann Rock

AACT Member:

Angela Manerson

MPO Staff:

Janie Guion and Pam Wolfe

Chairman’s Report

The Chair stated the following:

Rider Oversight Committee (ROC) Report

L. Weber stated that she attended the April ROC meeting and was asked to be an AACT representative. Mr. White suggested that she and Mr. Perrault be co-representatives; Mr. Perrault and Ms. Weber agreed.


AACT Forum Committee Report

BA Rock stated that the AACT Forum Committee will meet in May. This will be the committee’s first meeting to plan the 2014 Forum.


Complaints Report -THE RIDE

Chairman White stated that Mr. Perrault has recently gone over many complaints regarding THE RIDE. There had been a recent spike in complaints, and many complaints were about poor quality in transportation; many people were jostled during the trips. He noted there are factors for this; the roads have not yet been repaired after the winter, and many of THE RIDE vehicles are almost five years old and will be replaced within the coming years.





Open Meeting Laws Review

Pamela Wolfe, MPO Staff, stated that questions were previously raised about representing AACT during the vendor procurement process for THE RIDE. She stated that as long as a quorum of the board is not present during other meetings, AACT does not have a responsibility to post those meetings or treat those meetings as open meetings. She distributed copies of the Open Meeting Law handbook.

Open Discussion

Chairman White stated that he has been in contact with the president of Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and that he would like him to make a presentation to the AACT Board. He asked the board for suggestions for other guest speakers.

BA Rock commented that the MBTA is still assessing THE RIDE CharlieCard Program.

Chairman White noted that THE RIDE CharlieCards were part of a pilot program that ended 7/1/12. THE RIDE CharlieCards enable THE RIDE users with conditional eligibility to use fixed-route services for free. B The MBTA has allowed any active THE RIDE customers, who had been part of the pilot, to retain their card until their THE RIDE eligibility is no longer valid or the cards are cancelled by the MBTA after the pilot has been fully assessed. He would like the AACT Board to give testimony to prevent the elimination of THE RIDE CharlieCards and discuss the value to both the MBTA and THE RIDE consumers.B He commented that the MBTA saves forty dollars each time the card is used by THE RIDE customer on fixed route instead of taking the same trip on THE RIDE.

He mentioned the Keolis Commuter Services court ruling in their favor over Mass Bay Commuter Rail, the present commuter rail operators; Keolis will take control on July 1. He noted that Keolis will attend all AACT membership meetings, and will work with AACT on developing a training program.


There were none.

Meeting adjourned at 12:00PM