
Date:     April 3, 2014

To:          Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

From:     Sean Pfalzer, Transportation Improvement Program Manager,

                 MPO Staff

Re:           FFYs 2015-18 Transportation Improvement Program Highway Target Funding


The purpose of this memorandum is to present issues and concerns in developing a staff recommendation for the Highway Target funds for federal fiscal years (FFYs) 2015–18 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The staff recommendation typically proposes transportation projects and programs to fund with the MPO’s Regional Highway Target Funding over the upcoming TIP’s four federal fiscal years. In developing a staff recommendation, MPO staff works with the target funding levels to:

•   Address cost increases and schedule changes of existing projects

•   Allocate funding to current and ongoing TIP commitments

•   Propose new projects to receive funding that advance the MPO’s priorities

This memo does not propose a staff recommendation, but instead discusses the issues that have emerged in the development process for the upcoming TIP: 1) the Regional Highway Target Funding amounts by year and funding program; and 2) project cost increases and schedule changes of existing projects that need to be addressed in the staff recommendation and their impact on fulfilling ongoing commitments. Also included is this year’s First-Tier List of Projects, which, as in any year, would serve as the primary source of new projects for the TIP.


MassDOT released the draft Regional Highway Targets on February 28, 2014. The Regional Targets indicate that the MPO has approximately $293.3 million to spend on projects and programs in the FFYs 2015-18 TIP. Table 1 compares the funding levels of the current TIP and the FFYs 2015-18 TIP. As shown in the table, there are minor increases in target funding in FFYs 2015-17. In FFY 2018, the Regional Target remains constant with FFYs 2016 and 2017 levels, at approximately $75 million.





Comparison of Regional Target Funding, Current vs. FFYs 2015-18 TIP


Total Regional Target

FFY 2015

FFY 2016

FFY 2017

FFY 2018


Current TIP Regional Target Funds






FFYs 2015-18 TIP Regional Target Funds













The Regional Highway Target Funds contain annual targets for three of the eligible funding programs: 1) Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) Program, 2) Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), and 3) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP). Under the federal transportation bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), the CMAQ Program provides a flexible funding source for transportation projects and programs that help meet the requirements of the Clean Air Act; HSIP aims to achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries; and TAP supports the implementation of on- and off-road pedestrian and bicycle facilities, infrastructure projects for improving bicycle and pedestrian access to public transportation, and safe-routes-to-school projects.

For the FFYs 2015-18 TIP, the funding targets decrease the minimum amount of CMAQ spending on CMAQ-eligible projects to about $56.4 million; reduce the amount available to be programmed with HSIP funds to roughly $17.7 million; and increase TAP program funds to roughly $12.5 million. In developing the staff recommendation, staff considers project funding eligibility in order to allow the MPO to meet its funding targets.



Comparison of Regional Targets by Funding Program,

Current vs. FFYs 2015-18 TIP


Regional Target by Funding Program

FFY 2015

FFY 2016

FFY 2017

FFY 2018


Current TIP CMAQ Target






FFYs 2015-18 TIP CMAQ Target












Current TIP HSIP Target






FFYs 2015-18 TIP HSIP Target












Current TIP TAP Target






FFYs 2015-18 TIP TAP Target












Current TIP Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP Funds






FFYs 2015-18 TIP Non-CMAQ/HSIP/TAP Funds













The remaining portion of funding is eligible to be programmed under the Surface Transportation Program (STP) or the National Highway Performance Program (NHPP). The funding level for these two programs combined is capped at approximately $206.6 million over FFYs 2015-18.


In working on a staff recommendation, MPO staff first addressed project cost increases and schedule changes for projects currently programmed in the FFYs 2014-17 TIP. There were six projects programmed to be advertised in FFYs 2014-17 that have had cost increases. Table 3 lists the projects with cost increases and the difference between the TIP amount needed and the TIP amount programmed. These project cost increases total approximately $36 million.  



Summary of Project Cost Increases



TIP Amount Needed

TIP Amount Programmed

TIP Funding Shortfall

Percent Increase

Reconstruction and Signal Improvements on Rantoul St./Route 1A (Beverly)





Reconstruction of Washington St./Route 53 (Hanover)





Reconstruction on Canal St. (Salem)





Reconstruction of Route 18 (Weymouth and Abington)**





Route 128 Add-a-Lane

 (Needham and Wellesley)**





Reconstruction of Main St./Route 109











** Indicates a project that has experienced multiple cost increases.


In addition to needing to address project cost increases, the recommendation also needs to account for updates to project design schedules. There are four projects programmed in the current TIP that likely would not be made ready for advertisement in their current fiscal year of programming.


Staff next identified current and ongoing programming commitments to the Green Line Extension, Phase 2, from College Avenue to Route 16. The MPO has supported this project in the LRTP, programmed it in the FFYs 2014-17 TIP, and expects to continue programming it in the FFYs 2015-18 TIP. Table 4 lists the currently anticipated programming amounts for the project in FFYs 2016-18 and future TIP years beyond FFY 2018. Table 4 indicates that the Green Line Extension, Phase 2, from College Avenue to Route 16 in Somerville and Medford, accounting for 11% of MPO target funding in FFY 2016, becomes an even larger share of the MPO’s investments in FFY 2017 (40%) and FFY 2018 (59%). The remaining balance shown in the table represents funding that would need to be programmed in subsequent TIP years. Based on the current cost and schedule, the project would require programming through FFY 2021.



Summary of Current and Ongoing Commitments



FFY 2016

FFY 2017

FFY 2018

Remaining Balance

Green Line Extension, Phase 2
(Somerville and Medford)





Percent of Target Program






Based on the project cost increases, schedule changes, and ongoing commitments, MPO staff attempted to prepare a staff recommendation that would satisfy the needs of all projects. However, project funding needs exceed the amount of funding available to the MPO. MPO staff encountered funding challenges in FFYs 2017 and 2018, in which there was not enough funding available to fully program existing projects and also meet currently projected cash flows for the Green Line Extension, Phase 2. As it is, the overall MPO target program falls $7.1 million short of funding its commitment by almost $2.4 million in FFY 2017 and $4.7 million in FFY 2018. An overview of the existing funding commitments and funding shortfalls is detailed in Table 7, at the end of this memorandum. 


The funding constraint displayed in Table 7 generates concerns about FFYs 2015-18 and beyond. The MPO has several LRTP commitments, including four roadway expansion projects and one transit expansion project that utilize a majority of the MPO’s target funding in FFYs 2016 and 2017, and even exceed the MPO’s target funding in FFY 2018. Table 5 below lists the Long-Range Transportation Plan commitments currently programmed and those commitments scheduled to be implemented through the TIP in the future. Table 5 indicates that the MPO is currently overcommitted to LRTP projects in FFY 2018 and likely would remain overcommitted in FFYs 2019-20.




Implementation of Long-Range Transportation Plan Commitments



FFY 2016

FFY 2017

FFY 2018

FFYs 2019-20


Middlesex Turnpike Improvements (Bedford, Billerica and Burlington)





Reconstruction and Widening on Route 18 (Weymouth)





Route 128 Add-a-lane
(Needham and Wellesley)





Green Line Extension, Phase 2 (Somerville and Medford)





Reconstruction of Montvale Avenue (Woburn)





Assabet River Rail Trail
(Hudson to Acton)





Reconstruction of Rutherford Avenue (Boston)





New Boston Street Bridge





Reconstruction of Bridge Street










Percent of Target Program






MPO staff is also concerned about the schedule and cost for the Green Line Extension, Phase 2 project. The project is still at the early planning, pre-conceptual design stage. Based on past TIP-funding experience, the project cost very likely would increase when the project begins design and advances through the design process. Cost increases associated with major infrastructure projects typically have a greater impact on the MPO’s total target funding, and future cost increases would place additional pressure on the target funds in the years beyond. 


Following the MPO TIP development program, MPO staff created the First-Tier List of Highway Projects using project-evaluation results and information on readiness. The First-Tier List comprises projects that have received high scores through the TIP evaluation process, and which could be made ready for advertisement within FFYs 2015-18. The First-Tier List and staff recommendation work within the framework set by the LRTP. LRTP projects with high scores in the 2016-20 time band are included in the First-Tier List of Projects; however, projects with high scores in later LRTP time bands (not within the scope of this TIP) are not included. Table 6 presents the First-Tier List of Highway Projects. This year’s First-Tier List contains ten projects, totaling almost $100 million worth of transportation infrastructure investments.



First-Tier List of Highway Projects



Project Name

Current Cost Estimate

Project Evaluation Rank




Reconstruction of Causeway Street (Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements)



25% Submitted


Reconstruction on Massachusetts Avenue, from Marrett Road to Pleasant Street



25% Submitted


Reconstruction of Route 27 (North Main Street), from North Avenue to the Wayland Town Line



25% Submitted


Signal and Intersection Improvements on Route 135



25% Submitted

Natick (MassDOT)

Bridge Replacement, Route 27 (North Main St.) over Route 9 (Worcester St.) and Interchange Improvements



25% Submitted


Reconstruction of Ferry Street





Improvements on Boylston Street, from Intersection of Brookline Avenue and Park Drive to Ipswich Street



PRC Approved

Walpole (MassDOT)

Reconstruction on Route 1A (Main Street), from the Norwood Town Line to Route 27



25% Submitted


Reconstruction and Related Work on Derby Street from Pond Park Road to Cushing Street



25% Submitted


Reconstruction and Signal Improvements on Walnut Street, from Homer Street to Route 9



25% Submitted




TIP Overview

Proponent(s) TIP ID Project Name Current
FFY 2014
FFY 2014
FFY 2015
FFY 2015
FFY 2016
FFY 2016
FFY 2017
FFY 2017
FFY 2018
Total Target Funds Proposed in FFYs 2015-18 TIP Other Funds (Non-Target Funds)  Total TIP Funding Additional Information
Arlington 606885 Bikeway Connection at Intersection Route 3 & Route 60 $1,618,984 $1,618,984 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A       change of funding program from CMAQ to HSIP; 3rd quarter ad date
Concord & Lincoln 602984 Limited Access Highway Improvements at Route 2 & 2A, Between Crosby's Corner & Bedford Road $5,399,747 $5,399,747 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A        
Needham & Wellesley 603711 Rehabilitation/Replacement of 6 Bridges on I-95/Route 128 (Add-a-Lane - Contract V) $27,830,281 $29,537,797 $30,000,000 $30,000,000 $25,625,150 $30,000,000 $21,836,371 $15,754,005 $12,014,178 $87,768,183   $87,768,183 project cost increase of $12,014,178; adjustment to cash flows and addition of $12 million in FFY 2018 
Regionwide   Intersection Improvement Program $350,000 $350,000 $400,000 $400,000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $400,000   $400,000 no funding carved out for program in FFYs 2016-18
Melrose 601553 Intersection & Signal Improvement to Lebanon Street, From Lynde Street to Main Street $4,405,030 $4,405,030 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A       advertised
Quincy 605729 Intersection & Signal Improvements at Hancock Street & East/West Squantum Streets $3,575,278 $3,575,278 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A       advertised
Boston 604761 Multi-use Trail Construction (South Bay Harbor) From Ruggles Station to Fort Point Channel $4,197,981 $4,197,981 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A       4th quarter ad date
Salem 605146 Reconstruction on Canal Street, From Washington Street & Mill Street to Loring Avenue & Jefferson Avenue $6,574,201 $0 N/A $7,867,762 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $7,867,762   $7,867,762 project moves out from FFY 2014 to FFY 2015; 4th quarter ad date; ROW concerns
Beverly 600220 Reconstruction & Signal Improvements on Rantoul Street (Route 1A) From Cabot Street (South) to Cabot Street (North) $15,748,818 $19,932,199 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A       project cost increase of $4,183,381; 4th quarter ad date
Hanover 602602 Reconstruction of Washington Street (Route 53) and Related Work From the Route 3 Northbound Ramp to Webster Street (Route 123) $1,170,881 $1,854,185 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A       project cost increase of $683,312; 4th quarter ad date
Reading 601705 Reconstruction of West Street, from Woburn City Line to Summer Ave/Willow Street $8,090,698 $8,090,698 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A       3rd quarter ad date
Boston 606284 Improvements to Commonwealth Avenue, From Amory Street to Alcorn Street N/A N/A $12,446,852 $12,446,852 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $12,446,852 $4,419,398 $16,866,250 DPH held on 3/28/2012
Winchester, Stoneham, Woburn 604652 Tri-Community Bikeway N/A N/A $5,429,110 $5,429,110 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $5,429,110   $5,429,110 75% design plans submitted
Brookline 605110 Intersection & Signal Improvements at Route 9 & Village Square (Gateway East) N/A N/A $4,375,971 $0 N/A $4,591,009 N/A N/A N/A $4,591,009 $1,000,000 $5,591,009 project moves out from FFY 2015 to FFY 2016; earliest ad date of FFY 2016
Marlborough 604810 Reconstruction of Route 85 (Maple Street) N/A N/A $5,190,122 $0 N/A $5,397,727 N/A N/A N/A $5,397,727   $5,397,727 project moves out from FFY 2015 to FFY 2016; earliest ad date of FFY 2016
Weymouth, Abington 601630 Reconstruction & Widening on Route 18 (Main Street) From Highland Place to Route 139* N/A N/A $10,079,388 $15,383 $7,883,133 $21,520,974 $7,895,719 $21,445,401 N/A $42,981,758 $14,771,760 $57,753,518 project cost increase of $17,122,525; adjustment to cash flows in FFY 2015-17; September 2015 ad date
Boston Region 456661 Clean Air and Mobility Program N/A N/A N/A N/A $374,850 $374,850 N/A N/A N/A $374,850   $374,850  
Bedford, Billerica, Burlington 29492 Middlesex Turnpike Improvements, From Crosby Drive North to Manning Road, Phase III N/A N/A N/A N/A $21,691,442 $0 N/A $0 $23,543,064 $23,543,064 $1,000,000 $24,543,064 project moves out from FFY 2016 to FFY 2018; earliest ad date FFY 2017
Medway 605657 Reconstruction on Route 109, From Holliston Street to 100 Feet West of Highland Street N/A N/A N/A $12,062,567 $11,275,569 $0 N/A N/A N/A $12,062,567   $12,062,567 project cost increase of $786,998; project moved up from FFY 2016 to FFY 2015; earliest ad date of 2015
Somerville, Medford   Green Line Extension Project (Phase 2), College Avenue to Mystic Valley Parkway/Route 16 N/A N/A N/A N/A $8,100,000 $8,100,000 $29,900,000 $29,900,000 $44,200,000 $82,200,000   $82,200,000 Addition of $44,200,000 in FFY 2018
Southborough 604989 Reconstruction of Main Street (Route 30), from Sears Road to Park Street N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $5,025,260 $5,025,260 $0 N/A $5,025,260   $5,025,260 project cost increase of $786,998; project moved up from FFY 2016 to FFY 2015; earliest ad date of 2015
Woburn 604935 Reconstruction of Montvale Avenue, from I-93 Interchange to Central Street N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $4,752,838 $4,752,838 N/A $4,752,838   $4,752,838 earliest ad date of 2017
Boston 606460 Improvements at Audubon Circle N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $5,539,955 $5,539,955 N/A $5,539,955   $5,539,955 earliest ad date of 2017

Assumes project cash flows, including earmark amounts are $14,787,143 in FFY 2015, $21,520,974 in FFY 2016, and $21,445,401 in FFY 2017.

Note: Projects in bold type are listed in the current Long-Range Transportation Plan, Paths to a Sustainable Region



TIP Overview

Project Funding Current FFY 2014 Proposed FFY 2014 Current FFY 2015 Proposed FFY 2015 Current FFY 2016 Proposed FFY 2016 Current FFY 2017 Proposed FFY 2017 Proposed FFY 2018 Total Target Funds Proposed in FFYs 2015-18 TIP
DRAFT Total Available Regional Highway Target Funds: $78,961,899 $78,961,899 $67,921,442 $68,221,673 $74,950,144 $75,009,821 $74,950,144 $75,009,821 $75,009,821 $293,251,136
Total Staff Recommendation Programmed Regional Highway Target Funds: $78,961,899 $78,961,899 $67,921,442 $68,221,673 $74,950,144 $75,009,821 $74,950,144 $77,392,200 $79,757,242 $300,380,936
Regional Highway Target Funds Available: $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($2,382,379) ($4,747,421) ($7,129,800)
CMAQ Target: $20,409,374 $20,409,374 $16,112,664 $16,112,664 $13,427,220 $13,427,220 $13,427,220 $13,427,220 $13,427,220 $56,394,324
Estimated CMAQ Proposed: $25,598,554 $21,979,570 $14,656,361 $17,829,110 $13,474,850 $15,744,281 $23,563,945 $23,427,220 $13,427,220 $70,427,831
HSIP Target: $5,907,977 $5,907,977 $4,774,123 $4,774,123 $4,296,710 $4,296,710 $4,296,710 $4,296,710 $4,296,710 $17,664,253
Estimated HSIP Proposed: $7,399,747 $7,018,731 $4,190,122 $5,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,190,122 $4,752,838 $4,752,838 $0 $13,942,960
TAP Target: $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $4,346,838 $2,548,719 $2,824,382 $2,824,382 $12,544,321
Estimated TAP Proposed: $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $2,548,719 $4,346,838 $2,548,719 $5,539,955 $0 $12,435,512


The allocation of funding by project type in FFYs 2015-18 is as follows:  Major Highway (29%), Arterial and Intersection (41%), Bicycle and Pedestrian (2%), and Transit (28%).