Core Efficiencies Study
of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority System



Project Manager

Robert Guptill

Project Principals

Annette Demchur
Elizabeth Moore

Data Analysts

Robert Guptill

David Knudsen

Jieping Li
Paul Reim


Robert Guptill

Cover Design

Kim Noonan

The preparation of this document was funded in part
by the Federal Transit Administration of the U.S.
Department of Transportation. The contents of this
report do not necessarily reflect the official views or
policies of the U.S. DOT.

Central Transportation Planning Staff

Directed by the Boston Region Metropolitan
Planning Organization
. The MPO is composed of
state and regional agencies and authorities, and
local governments.

November 2012


 map of study area


The Core Efficiencies Study analyzes the service standards and other measures that are used to evaluate transit services, and applies these standards and measures to the existing MBTA core bus and rapid transit system as well as to several potential concepts for MBTA service delivery. The service standards include those currently used by the MBTA—coverage, span of service, frequency, schedule adherence, vehicle load, and cost-effectiveness—as well as standards not currently used by the MBTA that would apply to stop spacing, route competition, and service delivery, among many possible service measures. Additional measures are used to evaluate the MBTA system for the Boston Region MPO’s regional travel demand model set. These additional measures are used to analyze the number of trip origins and destinations and the various costs of transit trips between neighborhoods. Finally, the finances of the MBTA and the potential financial implications of the proposed concepts are also considered.

The Study proposes four different concepts for MBTA service delivery. The rail extension concept essentially maintains the existing service structure with extensions of the radial rail network (heavy and light rail), while primarily using buses as feeder routes or to serve circumferential trips. The bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor concept replaces local bus service in the urban core with a reduced number of high-frequency, BRT-level services, while local bus service outside the core would remain the same. The limited-stop corridor concept replaces local bus service with a combination of local- and limited-stop service during the peak travel periods along Key Bus Routes and other major routes that travel a long distance. The neighborhood services concept presents an entirely revised bus network, with new BRT routes along major radial and circumferential corridors, and other bus routes linking local neighborhoods to these corridors and the rail lines.

Each concept, and also the existing MBTA system, offers varying levels of service depending on which service standards are considered. In several cases, a higher level of service using one standard results in a lower level of service in another. Each concept therefore has positive and negative aspects, and the choice of which concept to more fully study depends on which measures are prioritized.



We wish to thank the MBTA Advisory Board for providing the historical and projected MBTA financial data used in this study.


List of Figures 

List of Tables

Executive Summary

S.1           Review of Existing Service Standards

S.1.1       MBTA Service Standards

S.1.2       Comparison of Peer Agencies by Service Standards

S.1.3       Policy Implications of Service Standard Metrics

S.2           Identify Transit Markets

S.2.1       MBTA Ridership Trends

S.2.2       Transit-Use Indicators

S.2.3       Modeled Trips

S.2.4       Level-of-Service Characteristics

S.2.5       Analysis of Trips and Costs by Transit Route

S.3           Develop Transit Concept and Plans

S.3.1       Potential Service Concepts

S.3.2       Application of Service Standards

S.3.3       Modeled Trips for Each Service Concept

S.3.4       Financial-Constraint Analysis

S.3.5       Conclusions

1              Introduction

1.1           Background

1.2           Study Objectives

1.3           Study Organization

2              Review of Existing Service Standards

2.1           MBTA Service Delivery Policy

2.1.1        Policy Objectives

2.1.2        Service Objectives

2.1.3        Service Standards

2.2           Comparison of Peer Agencies by Service Standards

2.2.1        Service Standards Used by the MBTA

2.2.2        Service Standards Not Used by the MBTA

2.3           Policy Implications of Service Standard Metrics

2.3.1        Service Structure

2.3.2        Service Provision

2.3.3        Service Efficiency

2.3.4        Physical Infrastructure

2.4           Summary of Review of Service Standards

3              Identify Transit Markets

3.1           MBTA Ridership Trends

3.1.1        Red Line

3.1.2        Orange Line

3.1.3        Blue Line

3.1.4        Green Line Central Subway

3.1.5        Surface Light Rail

3.1.5        Directly-Operated Bus Routes

3.1.6        Line Ridership Summary

3.2           Description of Study Area

3.3           Transit Use Indicators

3.3.1        Population Density

3.3.2        Employment Density

3.3.3        Zero-Vehicle Households

3.3.4        Trip Generators

3.3.5        Summary

3.4           Modeled Trips

3.4.1        Existing Trips

3.4.2        Summary of Existing Trips

3.4.3        Projected Change in Trips

3.4.4        Summary of Projected Trips

3.5           Level-of-Service Characteristics

3.5.1        Transit Vehicle Frequency

3.5.2        Transit Fare

3.5.3        Access, Egress, and Transfer Walk Time

3.5.4        In-Vehicle Travel Time

3.5.5        Initial Waiting Time

3.5.6        Number of Transfers

3.5.7        Transfer Waiting Time

3.5.8        Total Transit Cost Index

3.5.9        Summary of Level-of-Service Characteristics

3.6           Analysis of Trips and Costs by Transit Route

3.6.1        Scope of Analysis

3.6.2        Methodology

3.6.3        Data

3.6.4        Analysis

3.6.5        Summary of Trips and Costs

4              Develop Concepts

4.1           General Service Patterns

4.1.1        Grid

4.1.2        Hub and Spoke

4.1.3        Trunk 

4.1.4        Summary of General Service Patterns

4.2           Potential Service Concepts

4.2.1        Rail Extensions and Expanded Coverage

4.2.2        BRT Corridors

4.2.3        Limited-Stop Corridors

4.2.4        Radial, Circumferential, and Neighborhood Services

4.2.5        Summary of Potential Service Concepts

4.3           Application of Service Standards

4.3.1        Service Structure

4.3.2        Service Provision

4.3.3        Service Efficiency

4.3.4        Physical Infrastructure

4.3.5        Summary of Service Standard Applications

4.4           Modeled Trips for Each Service Concept

4.4.1        Summary of Existing System

4.4.2        Rail Extension Concept

4.4.3        BRT Corridor Concept

4.4.4        Limited-Stop Corridor Concept

4.4.5        Neighborhood Services Concept

4.4.6        Summary of Modeled Trip Analysis

4.5           Financial-Constraint Analysis

4.5.1        Summary of MBTA Finances

4.5.2        Financial-Constraint Scenarios

4.5.3        Rail Extension Concept

4.5.3        BRT Corridor Concept

4.5.4        Limited-Stop Corridor Concept

4.5.5        Neighborhood Services Concept

4.5.6        Summary of Financial-Constraint Analysis

5              Conclusion

List of Figures

Figure 1 Transit Coverage in Relation to Population Density by Census Tract

Figure 2 Additional Areas Requiring Transit Coverage Based on Population Density by Census Tract

Figure 3 Extent of Duplication for MBTA Bus Routes.

Figure 4 Route 66: Inbound Hourly Passenger Flow and Trip Frequency

Figure 5 Route 66: Outbound Hourly Passenger Flow and Trip Frequency

Figure 6 Percent of Scheduled Service Operated by MBTA Mode,  June 2010 through September 2010

Figure 7 Mean Miles between Failures by MBTA Mode,  June 2010 through September 2010

Figure 8 Percent of Daily Vehicle Requirement by MBTA Mode,  June 2010 through September 2010

Figure 9 Accidents/Incidents per 1,000 Vehicle-Miles Traveled (VMT) by MBTA Mode,  May 2010 through September 2010

Figure 10 Number of Complaints by MBTA Mode, March 2010 through August 2010

Figure 11 Breakdown of Complaints by MBTA Mode, August 2010

Figure 12 Average Weekday Ridership by Percent of On-Time Trips  by MBTA Bus Route

Figure 13 Rail Rapid Transit Map

Figure 14 Directly-Operated Bus System Map

Table 35 Bus Route Boardings (Typical Weekday)  Pre-2000, Pre-2010, and 2030 and Percent Change 2000-2010 and 2010-2030

Figure 15 Modal Ridership Trends

Figure 16 Study Area Neighborhoods: Suburban South

Figure 17Study Area Neighborhoods: Suburban North

Figure 18 Study Area Neighborhoods: City South

Figure 19 Study Area Neighborhoods: City North

Figure 20 Population Density, Existing

Figure 22 Comparison of Population Density and  Projected Percent Change in Population

Figure 21 Projected Population Change

Figure 23 Employment Density, Existing

Figure 24 Projected Employment Change

Figure 25 Comparison of Employment Density and  Projected Percent Change in Jobs

Figure 26 Number of Zero-Vehicle Households, Existing

Figure 27 Percentage of Zero-Vehicle Households, Existing

Figure 28 Projected Change in Zero-Vehicle Households

Figure 29 Comparison of Projected Percent Change in Population  and Zero-Vehicle Households

Figure 30 Trip Generators within 0.5 Miles of Transit

Figure 31 Existing Trip Origins

Figure 32 Existing Trip Destinations

Figure 33 Top 20 Origin Trip Flows to Downtown Destination

Figure 34 Top 20 Non-Intra-Neighborhood Trip Origin-Destination Pairs

Figure 35 Projected Change in Origin Trips

Figure 36 Projected Change in Destination Trips

Figure 37 Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Trips between Neighborhoods

Figure 38 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Waterfront

Figure 39 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Chinatown

Figure 40 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from East Cambridge

Figure 41 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from East Somerville

Figure 42 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from East Lynn

Figure 43 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Downtown

Figure 44 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Chelsea

Figure 45 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from South Weymouth

Figure 46 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Fenway

Figure 47 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from South End

Figure 48 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Stoughton

Figure 49 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from South Quincy

Figure 50 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Westwood

Figure 51 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Burlington

Figure 52 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from Longwood

Figure 53 Projected Absolute Change in Trips to and from East Woburn

Figure 54 Existing Bus Frequency by Neighborhood and Stop

Figure 55 Existing Rapid Transit Frequency by Neighborhood and Stop

Figure 56 Existing Commuter Rail Frequency by Neighborhood and Stop

Figure 57 Existing Average AM Peak Transit Fares for Origin Neighborhoods

Figure 58 Existing Average AM Peak Transit Fares for Destination Neighborhoods

Figure 59 Existing Average AM Peak Walk Times for Origin Neighborhoods

Figure 60 Existing Average AM Peak Walk Times for Destination Neighborhoods

Figure 61 Existing Average AM Peak In-Vehicle Travel Times for Origin Neighborhoods

Figure 62 Existing Average AM Peak In-Vehicle Travel Times for Destination Neighborhoods

Figure 63 Existing Average AM Peak Initial Waiting Times for Origin Neighborhoods

Figure 64 Existing Average AM Peak Initial Waiting Times for Destination Neighborhoods

Figure 65 Existing Average AM Peak Number of Transfers for Origin Neighborhoods

Figure 66 Existing Average AM Peak Number of Transfers for Destination Neighborhoods

Figure 67 Existing Average AM Peak Transfer Waiting Times for Origin Neighborhoods

Figure 68 Existing Average AM Peak Transfer Waiting Times for Destination Neighborhoods

Figure 69 Existing Average AM Peak Total Transit Costs for Origin Neighborhoods

Figure 70 Existing Average AM Peak Total Transit Costs for Destination Neighborhoods

Figure 71 Example TAZ Service Areas

Figure 72 Theoretical Concept of a Grid Transit Pattern

Figure 73 Theoretical Concept of a Hub-and-Spoke Transit Pattern

Figure 74 Theoretical Concept of a Trunk Transit Pattern

Figure 75 Rail Extension Concept

Figure 76 BRT Corridor Concept

Figure 77 Limited-Stop Corridor Concept: Inbound Stops.

Figure 78 Limited-Stop Corridor Concept: Outbound Stops

Figure 79 Radial, Circumferential, and Neighborhood Concept

Figure 80 Rail Extension Concept: Existing and Additional Transit Coverage (area within quarter-mile walk to transit service)

Figure 81 BRT Corridor Concept: Concept and Eliminated Transit Coverage (area within quarter-mile walk to transit service)

Figure 82 Neighborhood Services Concept: Concept and Eliminated Transit Coverage (area within quarter-mile walk to transit service)

Figure 83 Neighborhood Services Concept: BRT and Neighborhood Route Running Times

Figure 84 Percentage of Existing Trips and the Projected Change in Trips  with an Origin Served by a Route  that also have a Destination Served by the Same Route

Figure 85 Percentage of Existing Trips and the Projected Change in Trips  with a Destination Served by a Route  that also have an Origin Served by the Same Route

Figure 86 Percentage of Existing Trips (that Would Exist in 2009  if the Rail Extension Concept Were in Place Today)  and the Projected Change in Trips with an Origin Served by a Route  that also have a Destination Served by the Same Route

Figure 87 Percentage of Existing Trips (that Would Exist in 2009  if the Rail Extension Concept Were in Place Today)  and the Projected Change in Trips with a Destination Served by a Route  that also have an Origin Served by the Same Route

Figure 88 Percentage of Existing Trips (that Would Exist in 2009  if the BRT Corridor Concept Were in Place Today)  and the Projected Change in Trips with an Origin Served by a Route  that also have a Destination Served by the Same Route

Figure 89 Percentage of Existing Trips (that Would Exist in 2009  if the BRT Corridor Concept Were in Place Today)  and the Projected Change in Trips with a Destination Served by a Route  that also have an Origin Served by the Same Route

Figure 90 Percentage of Existing Trips (that Would Exist in 2009  if the Neighborhood Services Concept Were in Place Today)  and the Projected Change in Trips with an Origin Served by a Route  that also have a Destination Served by the Same Route

Figure 91 Percentage of Existing Trips (that Would Exist in 2009  if the Neighborhood Services Concept Were in Place Today)  and the Projected Change in Trips with a Destination Served by a Route  that also have an Origin Served by the Same Route

Figure 92 Potential MBTA Deficits (Revenues minus Expenses), FY2012─FY2016

List of Tables

Table 1 MBTA Service Objectives and Service Standards

Table 2 Coverage Service Standards

Table 3 MBTA Span-of-Service Standards

Table 4 MBTA Weekday Time-Period Definitions

Table 5 Minimum Frequency-of-Service Standards

Table 6 Summary of Bus Schedule-Adherence Standards

Table 7 Schedule-Adherence Standards for Light Rail and Heavy Rail

Table 8 Schedule-Adherence Standards for Commuter Rail and Commuter Boat

Table 9 MBTA Core Area Boundaries

Table 10 Vehicle-Load Standards by Mode

Table 11 Net-Cost-per-Passenger Standard

Table 12 Profiled Transit Agencies and Transit Modes Provided

Table 13 Peer Agency Comparison of Coverage Standards

Table 14 Peer Agency Comparison of Span-of-Service Standards

Table 15 Peer Agency Comparison of Frequency-of-Service Standards

Table 16 Peer Agency Comparison of Schedule-Adherence Standards

Table 17 Peer Agency Comparison of Vehicle-Load Standards

Table 18 Peer Agency Comparison of Bus Stop-Spacing Standards

Table 19 Peer Agency Comparison of Directness-of-Travel Standards

Table 20 Peer Agency Comparison of Bus Passenger-Productivity Standards

Table 21 Number and Percentage of MBA Stops by Distance to Next Stop

Table 22 Percentage of MBTA Routes by Time Range for  Average, Maximum, and Minimum Running Time

Table 23 Route 66 Weekday Outbound Ridecheck Form

Table 24 Percentage of MBTA Routes by Headway

Table 25 Percentage of Pay-per-Ride and Pass Trips by MBTA Mode

Table 26 MBTA Bus Routes Failing the 2008 Span-of-Service Standard

Table 27 MBTA Bus Routes Failing the 2008 Frequency Standard

Table 28 MBTA Bus Routes Failing the 2008 Schedule-Adherence Standard

Table 29 MBTA Bus Routes Failing the 2008 Net-Cost-per-Passenger Standard

Table 30 MBTA Bus Routes Failing the 2008 Vehicle-Load Standard

Table 30 Red Line Station Entries (Typical Weekday)

Table 31 Orange Line Station Entries (Typical Weekday)

Table 32 Blue Line Station Entries (Typical Weekday)

Table 33 Green Line Subway Station Entries (Typical Weekday)

Table 34 Surface Green Line Boardings (Typical Weekday)

Table 37 Existing Population Density by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 36 Study Area Towns and Neighborhoods

Table 38 Projected Population Increases by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 39 Existing Employment Density by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 40 Projected Employment Increases by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 41 Existing Number and Percent of Zero-Vehicle Households by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 42 Projected Increases in Zero-Vehicle Households by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 43 Existing Origin and Destination Trips by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 44 Existing Origin-Destination Trip Pairs by Pair (Top 20) Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips from the Origin, and Percent of All Trips to the Destination

Table 45 Existing Non-Intra-Neighborhood Origin-Destination Trip Pairs by Pair  (Top 20) Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips from the Origin, and Percent of All Trips to the Destination

Table 46 Top 20 Existing Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Origins Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips from the Origin, and Percent of All Trips to the Destination

Table 46 – Continued  Top 20 Existing Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Origins Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips from the Origin, and Percent of All Trips to the Destination

Table 47 Top 20 Existing Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Destinations Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips to the Destination, and Percent of All Trips from the Origin

Table 47 - Continued Top 20 Existing Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Destinations Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips to the Destination, and Percent of All Trips from the Origin

Table 48 Projected Increases in Origin Trips by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 49 Projected Increases in Destination Trips by Neighborhood (Top 20)

Table 50 Projected Increases in Origin-Destination Pairs by Pair (Top 20)

Table 51 Top 20 Projected Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Origins Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips from the Origin, and Percent of All Trips to the Destination

Table 51 – Continued Top 20 Projected Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Origins Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips from the Origin, and Percent of All Trips to the Destination

Table 52 Top 20 Projected Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Destinations Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips to the Destination, and Percent of All Trips from the Origin

Table 52 – Continued Top 20 Projected Origin-Destination Trip Pairs for Top 20 Trip Destinations Number of Trips in the Origin-Destination Pair, Percent of All Trips to the Destination, and Percent of All Trips from the Origin

Table 53 Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Trips  for both Origins and Destinations

Table 54 Neighborhood Pairs (Non-Intra-Neighborhood Trips) with the Top 20 Projected Absolute and  Percentage Increases in Trips

Table 56 Neighborhoods with Projected Absolute Decreases in Trips  for either Origins or Destinations

Table 55  Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Trips between Neighborhoods for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases  Number and Percent Change in Trips (Origins plus Destinations)

Table 57 Neighborhoods by Existing AM Peak Bus Frequency (Vehicles per Hour) (Top 20)

Table 58 MBTA Bus Stops by Existing AM Peak Bus Frequency (Vehicles per Hour) (Top 20)

Table 59 Neighborhoods by Existing AM Peak Rapid Transit Frequency  (Vehicles per Hour) (Top 20)

Table 60 Rapid Transit Stations by Existing AM Peak Rapid Transit Frequency (Vehicles per Hour)

Table 61 Neighborhoods by Existing AM Peak Commuter Rail Frequency  (Vehicles per Hour) (Top 18)

Table 62 Commuter Rail Stations by Existing AM Peak Commuter Rail Frequency (Vehicles per Hour) (Top 19)

Table 63 AM Peak Transit Frequencies (Vehicle per Hour) and Ranking Percentiles* for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 64 Average AM Peak Transit Fares and Ranking Percentiles* for Origin and Destination Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Origins and Destinations

Table 65  Average AM Peak Transit Fares between Neighborhoods and Ranking Percentiles (Rank %)* by Neighborhood  for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 66 Average AM Peak Walk Times and Ranking Percentiles* for Origin and Destination Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Origins and Destinations

Table 67  Average AM Peak Walk Time for Transit Trips between Neighborhoods and Ranking Percentiles (Rank %)* by Neighborhood  for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 68 Average AM Peak In-Vehicle Travel Times and Ranking Percentiles* for Origin and Destination Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Origins and Destinations

Table 69  Average AM Peak In-Vehicle Travel Time for Transit Trips between Neighborhoods and Ranking Percentiles (Rank %)* by Neighborhood  for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 70 Average AM Peak Initial Waiting Times and Ranking Percentiles* for Origin and Destination Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Origins and Destinations

Table 71  Average AM Peak Initial Waiting Time for Transit Trips between Neighborhoods and Ranking Percentiles (Rank %)* by Neighborhood  for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 72 Average AM Peak Transfer Rates and Ranking Percentiles* for Origin and Destination Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Origins and Destinations

Table 73  Average AM Peak Transfer Rates for Transit Trips between Neighborhoods and Ranking Percentiles (Rank %)* by Neighborhood  for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 74 Average AM Peak Transfer Waiting Times and Ranking Percentiles* for Origin and Destination Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Origins and Destinations

Table 75  Average AM Peak Transfer Waiting Time for Transit Trips between Neighborhoods and Ranking Percentiles (Rank %)* by Neighborhood  for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 76 Average AM Peak Total Transit Cost Index and Ranking Percentiles* for Origin and Destination Neighborhoods with the Top 20 Projected Absolute Increases in Origins and Destinations

Table 77  Average AM Peak Total Cost Index for Transit Trips between Neighborhoods and Ranking Percentiles (Rank %)* by Neighborhood  for Neighborhoods with the Top Projected Absolute Increases in Trips

Table 78  Projected Percent Changes in Transit Route Ridership and All Trips to and from Service Areas

Table 79  Percentages of Origins and Destinations Served by Each Transit Route Existing Trips and Projected Change in Trips Percentage of trips with an origin served by the route that also have a destination served by the route (Orig.-Dest.) Percentage of trips with a destination served by the route that also have an origin served by the route (Dest.-Orig.)

Table 80  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 1 – 7

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 8 – 22

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 23 – 34

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 35 – 47

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 48 – 66

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 67 – 78

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 79 – 92

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 93 – 108

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 109 – 132

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 134 – 216

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 217 – 326

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 350 – 431

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 434 – 456

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Route 459 – 555

Table 80 – Continued Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 556, 558, CT1-3, Silver Line Waterfront, and Silver Line Washington Street

Table 81 Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 1 – 7

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 8 – 22

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 23 – 34

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 35 – 47

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 48 – 66

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 67 – 78

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 79 – 92

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 93 – 108

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 109 – 132

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 134 – 216

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 217 – 326

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 350 – 431

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 434 – 456

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Route 459 – 555

Table 81 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Number of Trips, Percent of Trips, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 556, 558, CT1-3, Silver Line Waterfront, and Silver Line Washington Street

Table 82  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 1 – 7

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 8 – 22

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 23 – 34

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 35 – 47

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 48 – 66

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 67 – 78

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 79 – 92

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 93 – 108

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 109 – 132

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 134 – 216

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 217 – 326

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 350 – 431

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 434 – 456

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Route 459 – 555

Table 82 – Continued  Ten Greatest Destination Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 556, 558, CT1-3, Silver Line Waterfront, and Silver Line Washington Street

Table 83  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Rail Rapid Transit Lines, Routes 1 – 7

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 8 – 22

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 23 – 34

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 35 – 47

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 48 – 66

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 67 – 78

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 79 – 92

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 93 – 108

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 109 – 132

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 134 – 216

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 217 – 326

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 350 – 431

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 434 – 456

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Route 459 – 555

Table 83 – Continued  Ten Greatest Origin Neighborhoods and Associated Projected Change in Trips, Percent of Change, and Cost of Transit Trips in and outside Service Area: Routes 556, 558, CT1-3, Silver Line Waterfront, and Silver Line Washington Street

Table 84 Top 20 Neighborhoods Listed in Top 10 Destination Neighborhoods for All Transit Routes for Existing Trips, Count and Percent of Routes Listing the Neighborhood, Percent of Routes for which the Neighborhood Lies in the Routes’ Service Area

Table 85 Top 20 Neighborhoods Listed in Top 10 Origin Neighborhoods for All Transit Routes for Existing Trips, Count and Percent of Routes Listing the Neighborhood, Percent of Routes for which the Neighborhood Lies in the Routes’ Service Area

Table 86  Top 20 Neighborhoods Listed in Top 10 Destination Neighborhoods for All Transit Routes for the Projected Change in Trips, Count and Percent of Routes Listing the Neighborhood, Percent of Routes for which the Neighborhood Lies in the Routes’ Service Area

Table 87  Top 20 Neighborhoods Listed in Top 10 Origin Neighborhoods for All Transit Routes for the Projected Change in Trips, Count and Percent of Routes Listing the Neighborhood, Percent of Routes for which the Neighborhood Lies in the Routes’ Service Area

Table 88  Limited-Stop Corridor Concept: Percentage of Boardings plus Alightings Served by Stops

Table 89  Rail Extension Concept: Distances between New Rapid Transit Stations and Average Line Distance

Table 90  BRT Corridor Concept: Existing Stop Spacing for Selected BRT Routes

Table 91  Limited-Stop Corridor Concept:  Stop Spacing for Local and Limited-Stop Routes

Table 92  Rail Extension Concept: Existing Scheduled AM One-Way Running Times and Estimated Additional Running Times by Line

Table 93  BRT Corridor Concept: Existing and Potential AM-Peak Running Times for Selected BRT Routes

Table 94  Limited-Stop Corridor Concept: Existing and Potential AM-Peak Running Times for Selected Limited-Stop Routes

Table 95  Service Structure Standards: Summary of Potential Effects of Proposed Service Concepts

Table 96  Rail Extension Concept: Distances of Rail Extensions

Table 97  BRT Corridor Concept: Existing Route Distances for Selected BRT Routes

Table 98  Limited-Stop Corridor Concept:  Existing Route Distances for Limited-Stop Routes

Table 99  Service Provision Standards: Summary of Potential Effects of Proposed Service Concepts

Table 100  BRT Corridor Concept:  Existing Net Cost per Passenger for Selected BRT Routes

Table 101  Limited-Stop Corridor Concept:  Existing Net Cost per Passenger for Limited-Stop Routes

Table 102  Service Efficiency Standards: Summary of Potential Effects of Proposed Service Concepts

Table 103 Summary of Modeled Trip Analysis

Table 104 MBTA Projected Average Annual Operating and Capital Expenses and Revenues (Millions), FY2012–FY2016

Table 105 Comparison of Average Annual Percentage Change for Operating Budget Revenue and Expenses, FY2012─FY2016 Assumptions versus FY2001─FY2010 Actual

Table 106 Rail Extension Concept: Estimated Capital and Operating Costs and Riders

Table 107 Rail Extension Concept: Revenue Scenarios

Table 108 BRT Corridor Concept: Revenue Scenarios

Table 109 Neighborhood Services Concept: Revenue Scenarios



Service standards

Service delivery


Transit demand model

Transit finances



As one of the nation’s oldest public transportation systems, the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) has undergone many changes since its origin in 1897, when services were provided only by streetcar lines. Over this time, the MBTA has regularly performed analyses of the quality of service delivery and of changing demographic and travel patterns in order to better provide services and to attract riders who have a choice between public and private transportation. Given the prospect of increasing deficits caused by annual expenses exceeding annual revenues, and the infeasibility of addressing these deficits through fare increases and service reductions alone, the MBTA will need to continue to find operational efficiencies and increase ridership. Taken together, these conditions argue for a reevaluation of where and how the MBTA currently provides transit service, as well as a review of the Service Delivery Policy to determine whether existing service standards need to be revised to guide the efficient provision of future services.

S.1     Review of Existing Service Standards

S.1.1    MBTA Service Standards

The purpose of the MBTA’s Service Delivery Policy is to guide both the design and evaluation of transit services so that they meet the needs of the riding public. To do this, the Service Delivery Policy establishes a set of policy objectives that are related to the service-planning process. The Service Delivery Policy also establishes service objectives that define the key performance characteristics of quality transit services. To measure progress toward meeting these objectives, the Service Delivery Policy identifies quantifiable service standards, the performance metrics that are used to measure them, and the thresholds that are used to determine compliance.

The following bullets summarize the service objectives and the service standard(s) or guideline(s) associated with each:

S.1.2    Comparison of Peer Agencies by Service Standards

This study performed a review of the service standards used by peer agencies and found that several agencies use the same standards as the MBTA, as well as some additional standards. For the MBTA service standards that are also used by peer agencies, this study found that there is a range in the performance metric and threshold used by the various agencies; however, the MBTA’s standards are generally consistent with those of the peer agencies.

Some service standards used by the peer agencies are not used by the MBTA. These include the following categories of standards:

S.1.3    Policy Implications of Service Standard Metrics

MBTA service performance was analyzed according to each of the service standards identified in the review of peer agencies. The following recommendations were made for potential changes and additions to the MBTA’s Service Delivery Policy:

Service Structure