

DATE:     September 3, 2014

TO:         Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

FROM:    Anne McGahan

RE:         Revisions to Updated Central Vision and Goals and Objectives


1          background

Staff presented revisions to the MPO’s central vision, goals, and objectives based on comments received at the August 21 MPO meeting and sent those changes back to MPO members on August 25 asking for additional comments. This memorandum illustrates our responses to the additional comments. The revisions from the August 21 meeting are shown in Track Changes in blue. (Note: in the event that your colors are different the first tracked change is healthy in the Central Vision.) The revisions from the comments received after August 25 are shown in red. (Note: in the event that your colors are different the first tracked change is in the Central Vision.)



2.1      Central Vision Statement

MPO members agreed to the shortened central vision option as follows:


Revised MPO Vision Statement

The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization envisions a transportation system that is safe, provides equitable access, excellent mobility, and varied transportation options—in support of a sustainable, healthy, livable, and economically vibrant region.


2.2      Goals and Objectives

The following are the additional revisions to the goals and objectives:




System Preservation


Congestion Reduction


Transportation Options/Healthy Modes


Greenhouse Gas (GHG)/Air Pollution/Environment


Transportation Equity


Economic Vitality and Freight Movement


There was discussion about whether to identify objectives that would be given a performance target (as part of the performance measurement process) and objectives that simply would be tracked. You may find this information in the overall performance-based planning framework that was presented and discussed at the August 7 MPO meeting.


Three additional comments were received that are presented here for consideration but not yet included above.


There were two comments under Transportation Options and Healthy Modes goal. The first was to include an objective on public health specifically regarding chronic disease. Background information is included in a separate document – “Additional Information on Public Health Objective” (also posted) to support the discussion at the September 4 MPO meeting. An important issue to consider is how tracked data on chronic diseases could be related to transportation in a meaningful way. A suggested objective for this comment could be:


The second comment is to the currently listed objective to “Increase the percentage of population and employment within one-half mile of shared-use paths or on-road bicycle facilities.” The suggested comment was to change this to:

Direct access is understood to mean having a dedicated bicycle facility door-to-door. The majority of the roadways in the MPO region are local roadways (more than 80 percent) and local roadways are not primary candidates for bicycle facilities. In the 2011 MassDOT’s Bicycle Inventory local roadways made up only five percent of the existing bicycle facility mileage. This would be a more ambitious goal and would likely be infeasible.


The third comment was made regarding Transportation Equity and asked the MPO to consider an objective relative to transportation burdens to low income and minority persons. To track or measure effects in this topic, the MPO would have to rely on information obtained from project proponents. Two possible sources might be the MPO’s Project Funding Application form or MassDOT’s Project Initiation form. In both forms, the proponents are asked to identify any improvements that involve community planning and equitable sharing of benefits/burdens or are particularly targeted within an Environmental Justice area. For those that provide information for this question, many proponents report the benefits as opposed to the burdens. Staff is currently not certain if there would be budget impacts to project proponents if we were to require an assessment on possible burdens. For large projects, information may also be available from environmental impact reports

A suggested objective could be:



3          NEXT STEPS

This information will be reviewed at the September 4 MPO meeting. Staff will then incorporate any revisions from that meeting into a final draft version, which will then be sent back to you before circulating it for public review and comment. Staff will also update the Performance-Based Planning and Programming Framework that was presented at the August 7 meeting to include the revisions to the goals and objectives and ensure that there are appropriate performance measures for each objective.


Some of these measures will be included in the Transportation Options and Healthy Modes Goal.

Measures associated with increasing population and employment in close proximity to transit also may be considered measures under the Economic Vitality topic.