Draft Memorandum for the Record

Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization

Unified Planning Work Program Committee Meeting

June 19, 2014 Meeting

9:10 AM to 9:45 AM, State Transportation Building, Conference Rooms 2&3, 10 Park Plaza, Boston

Sreelatha Allam, Chair, representing the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)


The Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Committee agreed to the following:

      To recommend that the MPO endorse the final FFY 2015 UPWP, as presented


Materials for this meeting included:

      A meeting agenda

      The development calendar for the FFY 2015 UPWP and FFYs 2015-18 TIP

      A table summarizing written public comments that MPO staff has received on the draft FFY 2015 UPWP to date, along with proposed MPO responses

      A packet including original comments on the draft FFY 2015 UPWP to date

      Three tables detailing the anticipated completion dates of CTPS FFY 2015 UPWP projects, along with the CTPS groups expected to participate in them

1.    Introductions

Sreelatha Allam, Chair, UPWP Committee (Massachusetts Department of Transportation) called the meeting to order at approximately 9:10 PM. UPWP Committee members, other MPO members, MPO staff, and other attendees introduced themselves.  (For attendance list, see page 5.)

2.    FFY 2015 UPWP Development: Current and Upcoming Steps

Michelle Scott, MPO staff, reminded the group of recent UPWP development activities. At the May 15, 2014, UPWP Committee meeting, the Committee updated its recommendation to the MPO on new UPWP studies in order to include the Fairmount Line Station Access Analysis project. This project would examine bicycle and pedestrian access at Fairmount Line stations that have not already been studied by the Boston Redevelopment Authority or the MPO. This study replaced the Community Pedestrian Network Studies project (B-3), at the same project cost ($40,000). The MPO reviewed the UPWP Committee’s recommendation at its May 15, 2014 meeting, and approved the release of a draft FFY 2015 UPWP document for public review. Remaining steps include 1) The UPWP Committee’s development of a recommendation to the MPO on endorsing the FFY 2015 UPWP document, and 2) the MPO vote on the Committee’s recommendation at its June 26 meeting.

Dennis Crowley, Southwest Advisory Planning Committee (Town of Medway) asked whether the Conservation Law Foundation’s proposal for the Fairmount Line Station Access Analysis has been incorporated into the staff recommendation. M. Scott explained that at the May 15 UPWP Committee meeting, MPO staff introduced a new Universe of Proposed New Projects entry for the Fairmount Line Station Access Analysis project (B-4), along with an updated staff recommendation, which did not contain the project. The UPWP Committee discussed the new project idea and ultimately decided to include it in the Committee’s recommendation of new studies to the MPO.

3.    Update on Draft FFY 2015 UPWP Outreach  

M. Scott explained that the public comment period for the draft FFY 2015 UPWP began on May 20, 2014 and extends through June 19, 2014. During this period, MPO staff held four workshops related to its draft certification documents: one in Randolph, one in Franklin, and two in Boston. Attendance at these events was sparse, but the people who attended had generally positive comments. Some who attended expressed interest in the Bicycle Network Gaps: Feasibility Studies (B-2) project.

MPO staff also presented UPWP content at the May 14 Regional Transportation Advisory Council meeting; M. Scott noted that this discussion did not include the Fairmount Line Station Access Analysis project, because that discussion occurred prior to the project idea being incorporated into the UPWP Universe of Proposed New Projects. David Montgomery, Regional Transportation Advisory Council, noted that no one expressed concern about the content of the UPWP. He added that MPO staff attended a recent meeting of the Advisory Council’s Freight Committee to present on a freight study in Everett, and that the findings of this study were warmly received. Comments expressing support for this kind of study will be included in the Advisory Council’s comment letter on the UPWP.

4.    Review of the Draft Summary of Written Comments Received on the Draft FFY 2015 UPWP, with MPO Responses

M. Scott explained that five comments on the UPWP had been submitted as of the time of the meeting. The Conservation Law Foundation and WalkBoston submitted comments in support of the Fairmount Line Station Access Analysis. Two additional commenters—State Representative Byron Rushing and State Senator William Brownsberger--expressed support for the Core Capacity Constraints study (E-1), and described their desired outcomes for the study. A Somerville resident suggested several study topics building on a past MPO study of the Southeast Expressway, such as addressing bottlenecks on the Old Colony Commuter Rail Line. The comment also suggested an analysis of potential transit service using battery powered buses along the Pleasant Street Incline. MPO staff recommends that these comments and suggestions be considered during the FFY 2016 UPWP development process. Steve Olanoff, Three Rivers Interlocal Council (Town of Norwood/NVCC) noted that the content of this Somerville resident’s comments was worth investigating, as they captured some issues he had also been thinking about.

5.    Updates for the Draft FFY 2015 UPWP

M. Scott explained that the table documenting public comments and proposed MPO responses will be incorporated into the version of the UPWP that will be endorsed by the MPO. If comments are submitted in the following days, MPO staff will incorporate them, along with proposed responses, into the table. MPO members will be able to review these additional comments and responses before the June 26 meeting to endorse the TIP and UPWP. 

CTPS Schedule and Staff Assignment tables will also be incorporated into the final UPWP. The projects in the FFY 2015 UPWP are listed on three tables: one for ongoing projects, one for projects that are currently underway, and one for projects with scopes to be developed. The tables list the CTPS groups that are expected to be involved in each project, along with an anticipated completion date for the project (or information indicating that it is ongoing). M. Scott explained that the dates for projects that are currently underway—including agency-funded projects—vary, and that most of the projects with scopes to be developed are expected to be complete at the end of FFY 2015. She added that these UPWP Schedule and Staff assignment tables relate to the quarterly Schedule and Staff Assignment tables that are presented at UPWP Committee meetings throughout the year.

6.    Action Item: Recommendation to the MPO on Endorsement of the Final FFY 2015 UPWP

A motion to recommend the final FFY 2015 UPWP, as presented, to the MPO was made by Eric Bourassa, Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) and seconded by Tom Bent, Inner Core Committee (City of Somerville). The motion carried. 

7.    Member Items

There were none.

8.    Next Meeting

M. Scott mentioned that at the next meeting, the Committee would discuss the FFY 2014 Third Quarter Spending report and the FFY 2014 Fourth Quarter Schedule and Staff Assignment table. There may also need for a UPWP budget adjustment before the end of FFY 2014. Potential next meeting dates could include July 24, 2014 or August 7, 2014. S. Allam expressed a preference for meeting on July 24, and Laura Weiner, At-Large Towns (Town of Arlington), expressed a preference for meeting before the MPO meeting, if possible. The Committee agreed to meet on July 24, or on August 7 if a July 24 meeting was not feasible.   

9.    Adjourn

A motion to adjourn was made by L. Wiener and seconded by T. Bent. The motion carried.




and Alternates

At-Large City (City of Newton)

David Koses

At-Large Town (Town of Arlington)

Laura Wiener

City of Boston (Boston Redevelopment Authority)

Tom Kadzis

Inner Core Committee (City of Somerville)

Tom Bent  

Massachusetts Department of Transportation

Sreelatha Allam

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

Eric Bourassa

Southwest Advisory Planning Committee (Town of Medway)

Dennis Crowley

Three Rivers Interlocal Council (Town of Norwood/NVCC)

Tom O’Rourke


Other MPO Members


and Alternates

Regional Transportation Advisory Council

David Montgomery


Other Attendees


Steve Olanoff

Three Rivers Interlocal Council (Town of Norwood/NVCC)


MPO Staff/Central Transportation Planning Staff

Karl Quackenbush, Executive Director

Robin Mannion, Deputy Executive Director

Elizabeth Moore

Scott Peterson

Michelle Scott

Pam Wolfe