MBTA Project Scenarios for Surplus MPO Funding Use

Scenario & Projects Description & Justification Funding Details Total Project Cost ($M) Federal Share (80%) Match (20%) Current Design Status Expected Date of Advertisement Expected Construction Start Projected Completion
Scenario 1: Regional Multimodal Investment
Nubian Sq Bus Circulation Design and construct changes to Nubian Station to reduce bus travel times, and improve wayfinding, accessibility, and service. This also supports BNRD, Bus Priority, and City of Boston projects. This request is specifically for construction funding. This project was considered for funding in MBTA's 25CIP, but was unable to be funded due to fiscal constraints, but remains a high-priority item. Funding amount will complete design and construction actives and fully fund the project. $5 $4.0 $1.0 Pre-Design, approaching 15% PDG January 2025 March 2025 May 2025
Pedal & Park Modernization This funding will be used to correct the inefficient and discriminatory infrastructure currently in place throughout our Pedal & Park system. We will remove obsolete bike racks and purchase and install new bi-level bike racks which provide hydraulic lift assist (similar to those in new GLX bike cages) so all ages and abilities can use our system. By providing a more efficient system, we will make use of space gains in each cage to provide additional racks appropriately spaced for parking of scooters, cargo/family-style bikes and accessible trikes. We will explore opportunities to install charging infrastructure for e-bikes, purchase and install bike maintenance stands with air pumps at all Pedal & Parks, and pilot a new system for wayfinding to bike parking at Nubian Square and other hard-to find Pedal & Park locations.   This funding covers design and construction. The project is scalable depending on available funding. $2.50 $2.0 $0.5 5-10% (furnishings)
Vendor procurement planning (control systems)
Summer 2025 (furnishings)
RFP by 1/2025 (control systems)
Fall 2025 (furnishings)
January 2026 (control systems)
Spring 2026 (furnishings)
Fall 2026 (control systems) 
Inner Fitchburg 30-minute headways Infrastructure upgrades including a turn track to allow 30-min weekday frequencies to Kendal Green on the Fitchburg Commuter rail line. This Project would be a compliment and part of the overall Boston Properties new Kendal Green/I-95 intermodal station. Fully Funds Turn Track, allowing for 30 minute urban services. $14 $11.2 $2.8 N/A--design/build with Keolis Via contract with Keolis Estimated Summer 2025 End CY 2026
Central Accessibility Compliance and Accessibility upgrades to Central Station Funding will be incorporated into existing project funds. $5.00 $4.0 $1.0 Design finalized and in review for advertisement September 2024 January 2025 May 2027
Total $27 $21.2 $5.3        
Scenario 2: Transit Priority Investment                  
Mattapan Square This project is the southern extent of the Blue Hill Ave project. This design will improve the safety of the road and update the routing of buses in and out of Mattapan Red Line Rapid Transit Station. The updated bus configuration will save bus riders several minutes, which will be an early benefit delivered ahead of the larger 3-mile long Blue Hill Ave project.  This project is partially funded under MBTA's CIP, this additional funding will be incorporated into existing project funds, and bring the project to fully funded for both Design & Construction. $20.0 $16.0 $4.0 15% Design; has included considerable outreach and concept iterations Fall 2025 Winter 2025 Summer 2027
Central Accessibility Compliance and Accessibility upgrades to Central Station Funding will be incorporated into existing project funds. $5 $4.0 $1.0 Design finalized and in review for advertisement September 2024 January 2025 May 2027
Pedal & Park Modernization This funding will be used to correct the inefficient and discriminatory infrastructure currently in place throughout our Pedal & Park system. We will remove obsolete bike racks and purchase and install new bi-level bike racks which provide hydraulic lift assist (similar to those in new GLX bike cages) so all ages and abilities can use our system. By providing a more efficient system, we will make use of space gains in each cage to provide additional racks appropriately spaced for parking of scooters, cargo/family-style bikes and accessible trikes. We will explore opportunities to install charging infrastructure for e-bikes, purchase and install bike maintenance stands with air pumps at all Pedal & Parks, and pilot a new system for wayfinding to bike parking at Nubian Square and other hard-to find Pedal & Park locations.   This funding covers design and construction. The project is scalable depending on available funding. $1.5 $1.2 $0.3 5-10%  Summer 2025  Fall 2025  Spring 2026 
Total $26.5 $21.2 $5.3        
*Nubian Sq Bus Circulation Design and construct changes to Nubian Station to reduce bus travel times, and improve wayfinding, accessibility, and service. This also supports BNRD, Bus Priority, and City of Boston projects. This request is specifically for construction funding. This project was considered for funding in MBTA's 25CIP, but was unable to be funded due to fiscal constraints, but remains a high-priority item. Funding amount will complete design and construction actives and fully fund the project. $5 $4.0 $1.0 Pre-Design, approaching 15% PDG January 2025 March 2025 May 2025