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Welcome to the Boston Region MPO’s Bicycle-Pedestrian Count Program.
Thank you for supporting the Boston Region’s bicycle and pedestrian planning work. Volunteers are an important part of our data-collection program.
The MPO uses the data collected by volunteers to inform transportation planning decisions. The Boston Region MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Database stretches back to 1974 and contains data from over 1,250 unique count sessions.
The fall 2022 count dates are:
- Tuesday, September 20, 2022
- Wednesday, September 21, 2022
- Thursday, September 22, 2022
- Saturday, September 24, 2022
- Sunday, September 25, 2022
We are looking for a two-hour commitment from individuals on any of the above dates. We encourage groups that can schedule enough people to complete a 12-hour count.* Either way, please register to help us make sure we are not duplicating efforts.
If you are interested in participating in the September 2022 bicycle and pedestrian counts, please click the appropriate link below. Both options will lead you to the registration page where you may sign up for a time and place to count. If you haven’t counted for the Boston Region MPO before, you will also view a quick tutorial.
Have you counted with the MPO before?
Yes, I’ve counted bicycles and pedestrians for the Boston Region MPO before.
No, this is my first time counting bicycles and pedestrians for the Boston Region MPO.
*If you have an organized group that is planning to count all day long, please let us know at bikepedcoordinators@ctps.org.
If you have already conducted a count and would like the data to be added to the Boston Region MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Database, you may download the 2-Hour Bicycle-Pedestrian Count Sheet and send your data to Casey Cooper, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager.
Casey Cooper
Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager
10 Park Plaza, Suite 2150
Boston, MA, 02116-3968