Blog - MPO Rolls Out New Performance-Based Planning Resources

Articles published 2024

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  • MPO Rolls Out New Performance-Based Planning Resources

    The MPO’s Performance-based Planning and Programming process is an ever-evolving effort to ensure that decisions about transportation investments in the region are guided by data and the MPO’s long-term goals. To this end, we created an online resource for Performance-based Planning and Programming. This ArcGIS Online StoryMap provides planning guidance for project proponents to advance the Boston region’s transportation goals and performance targets.

    Screenshot of the resource guide, specifically an example on Traffic Calming. To the left, there is an image of a cyclist in a bike lane.

    The guide provides local examples of recently funded MPO projects that are advancing the region’s measurable goals in areas like safety, transit asset condition, and congestion mitigation. The guide also contains resources from national groups like the National Association of City Transportation Officials and recommendations from federal agencies.

    Highlighted examples include the Davis Square (Somerville) transit signal priority enhancements, which will decrease travel time for bus routes while improving safety and accessibility for people using all modes. Another example is the Mt. Auburn Street Complete Streets project in Watertown, a heavily used 1.8-mile corridor that will improve bus operability and transit and pedestrian safety.

    The guide also features links to recent performance targets from our new Performance Dashboard, launched in July 2024. The dashboard will continue to be updated on a rolling basis, and the MPO will likely add additional data sets and performance areas in the future.

