Blog - What’s your vision for transportation in the Boston region?

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  • What’s your vision for transportation in the Boston region?

    The MPO expects to adopt a new LRTP, Destination 2040, in the spring of 2019. Destination 2040 will allocate funding to major transportation projects in the Boston region and guide the MPO’s capital investments and research studies.

    Throughout the public outreach process for Destination 2040, staff consistently heard concerns about climate change, resiliency, and the effects of emerging technologies such as Transportation Network Companies (for example, Uber and Lyft). Stakeholders also expressed the need to prepare for autonomous vehicles while maintaining existing transportation infrastructure, particularly transit networks. To reflect this feedback and data collected through studies and analyses, staff recommends revisions to the MPO’s vision and goals for Destination 2040.



    Staff proposes the following revisions to the vision for Destination 2040.

    Current Vision

    The Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization envisions a modern transportation system that is safe, uses new technologies, and provides equitable access, excellent mobility, and varied transportation options—in support of a sustainable, healthy, livable, and economically vibrant region.

              Proposed Changes:

    The Boston Region MPO envisions a modern, well-maintained transportation system that supports a sustainable, healthy, livable, and economically vibrant region. To achieve this vision, the transportation system must be safe and resilientincorporate emerging technologies; and provide equitable access, excellent mobility, and varied transportation options.



    The current LRTP, Charting Progress to 2040, identifies six goal areas:

    • Safety
    • System Preservation
    • Capacity Management and Mobility
    • Clean Air and Clean Communities
    • Transportation Equity
    • Economic Vitality

    Staff found that most of the existing goals and objectives were broad enough to cover the topics and concerns identified via public feedback and analysis results. However, some changes seemed warranted to 1) better align the objectives with the roles and responsibilities of the MPO, 2) incorporate additional feedback heard during outreach, and 3) incorporate new planning requirements. In response to public input, the Transportation Equity goal area contains the most recommended changes. To review the recommended changes to each goal area, read Proposed Changes to Existing Vision, Goals, and Objectives (HTML).

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    Staff has also created a list of potential programs, projects, studies, and actions that could help advance the MPO’s updated vision. Recommended new programs and the goal areas they address can be seen in the table below. For additional information on the rationale for these programs, as well as existing programs that staff recommends the MPO continue, potential studies, and additional actions the MPO could take, read the Draft Needs Assessment Summary and Recommendations (HTML).

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    A list of potential programs to be funded in the next LRTP.

    The development of the LRTP is a public process, and staff welcomes comments throughout. Do the goals established in Charting Progress to 2040 encompass a vision for the region that is relevant in 2018?

                                                                  Take the Survey

    Do the recommended programs and projects represent the best way for the MPO to achieve its vision?

                                                                Submit a Comment

