Blog - New Projects and Studies Getting Underway at the Boston Region MPO

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  • New Projects and Studies Getting Underway at the Boston Region MPO

    The Boston Region MPO recently gave approval for its staff, the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS), to begin work on two projects under contract with the MBTA. Both projects will assist the MBTA with its required reporting to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).

    As a recipient of federal funds, the MBTA must, in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, demonstrate that it provides a comparable level and quality of transportation service to all customers without discriminating by race, color, or national origin. CTPS will assist the MBTA in this endeavor by supporting the development of the MBTA’s 2017 Triennial Title VI Report.

    The MBTA must also regularly report transit ridership data to FTA’s National Transit Database, a repository of information and statistics about US transit systems that receive federal grants. As it has done regularly in the past, CTPS will assist the MBTA with this requirement by collecting current data on passenger boardings and estimating passenger-miles travelled on the MBTA’s bus, rapid transit, and commuter rail services.

